Chapter Seven

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[Chapter Seven]

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[Chapter Seven]

Every time Milo was dragged under the water, they held him under just long enough to where he had no other option but open his mouth and try to find air. He would be able to break free and find himself at the surface coughing up the foul tasting water while attempting to gasp for air. He attempted to fight the creatures that continued to want and drown him, but he couldn't bring himself to fight hard enough. His mind was racing at a rapid pace, wondering if they were going to manage to kill and if that were the case, where had Artemis suddenly disappeared to? He tried to call out for the goddess repeatedly, but the goddess did not appear. 

A hand reached out and grabbed him by the wrist and while Milo thrashed about violently to be released, they continued to pull the boy along. However, they were not trying to drag him under, they were simply bringing them over to where there was land. Their strength pulled Milo away from the others attempting to drown him and from what he could see, it was the man that resembled Silas once more. It brought Milo to think back to everything he knew, everything he had learned throughout the summer. 

As the man ahead of him continued to drag him towards the rocky terrain inside the cave that they were in, Milo spat out the water that had splashed into his mouth during transit to call out to him.

"Regulus?" He managed to cry above the waves, thinking it had to be the younger, late brother of Sirius. It seemed he was correct or at least, calling out the name warranted a reaction from the man as he stopped suddenly turned to Milo. His grey eyes locked with Milo's and the boy screamed something fierce as he suddenly felt like his entire body was on fire just under the stare, even if he was submerged in the cold water. 

It reminded him of the Cruciatus Curse, but it was different at the same time, it didn't really matter though, either way, he just wanted it to stop. Regulus was moving again, bringing the boy to land and pulling him up simply dragging onto the rough terrain. Milo didn't even feel that part of it, as Regulus finally let go and finally, the burning sensation came to an end. Milo was trying to collect his breath over and over, he was panting almost like a dog. He closed his eyes, thankful to be out of the water but moments later, he realised that he was curious as to what Regulus was up to.

Quickly opening his eyes again, Milo rolled onto his side and then looked up to see Regulus standing up finally. He looked around as if examining the cave they were in before he turned back into the direction of Milo, who was getting up to his feet. The man stood still for a few moment and then something must have clicked as his grey eyes lit up.


Milo wasn't even standing up fully when Regulus rushed him grabbing him by the shoulders. "James, listen to me, I know we've never been on friendly terms, but-" 

The boy didn't know what to do in that moment as he was faced with another who wasn't much older than him. He never really put it together that at the time of his death, Regulus was not much older than him. And by the actions just taken seconds earlier, Regulus didn't know that he was dead in those moments or whatever had taken place with him.