~ Chapter 1 ~

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Brooke's p.o.v

My head hurts. Where am I? I open my eyes, and all I can see is about 20 men, looking at me and talking in a language that I don't understand. I look down and see that I am strapped to a chair with strong rope. I try to struggle free but then a guy, who looks like their leader, walks up to me and says, 

"Hello Brooke," he has a strong German accent. "You have been asleep for 60 years and we need you for your mission, the one you never finished." 

"Where am I?" I ask looking around in this slightly familiar lab. 

Then I see it, the Hydra symbol placed on each of the mens' coats. Oh no. 

"Do you not remember? We raised you here for 14 years. Your mother died and your father abandoned you when you were born and we have looked after you for all those years." he started, I listened to his every word, remembering everything. 

I've been trapped here for years and have been training for missions since I could walk. When I was old enough, Hydra sent me out with some other soldiers to collect Captain America's body... but I fell into the icy water. They must have found me. 

"SHIELD has found the Captain and we need him as one of our own. You never finished your job Brooke," he finally finished. 

I could feel my heart pounding against my chest and a bit of sweat dripping from my forehead. 

"Yes sir," I said, looking down at my wrists to avoid his stare, "will I be accompanied?" I asked. 

"Yes you will. With your old partner, Harvey Jason Barnes," McCaucan (The Hydra Leader) said while gesturing to a young guy in a black leather jacket and black jeans standing beside him. 

Harvey looked familiar and seemed to remember me as well when we looked at each other. 

"You will leave right now." McCaucan said before walking out the door.

A couple of the men led us to the weaponry room where Harvey and I picked up some guns along with their ammo and a knife each. We got taken a bit further down the corridor where we got dressed into black suits with a Hydra symbol on the back. Once we were ready, a different man lead us to the jet. Seriously, how many people are working for Hydra? Harvey and I didn't say a word the entire time, we would get punished otherwise so we just sort of looked at each other awkwardly. The two of us boarded the plane and sat opposite each other. After about an hour of waiting in the jet, we stood up and got our parachutes on and when the pilot instructed us, we jumped out of the plane and landed in the middle of a rather large field. We ran for cover behind some bushes and it was then that we started to talk.

"Nice seeing you again Rogers," he introduced and held out his hand. 

I smiled, we had our own secret handshake from when we were kids. "Likewise Harvey," I smiled and pulled him into a hug. 

"So what's the plan?" I asked. 

"McCaucan told me where the entrances were while you were still asleep," he started while bringing up a hologram of the Avengers Facility. 

Before he could continue, we spotted some guards walking around the gate, near where we were. We ducked for cover and Harvey shutdown the image like lightning. 

We stayed silent for a few seconds then I whispered, 

"Gee, that was close," but before Harvey could reply, a man with a patch on his left eye began to speak from behind us. 

"Oh yes it was close," he said in a deep tone, there were two guards standing beside him and they lunged towards me and Harvey. 

They were quick, but we were quicker. I kicked the guard in the face then punched him in the stomach. He fell to the ground and I held his hands around his back then looked up at the man. 

"Who are you?" I demanded, not taking my eyes off him for a second. 

"My name is Nick Fury, and behind you is Natasha and Thor." Nick stated. 

I turned behind me and saw a woman with red hair. Before I could defend myself, I saw her leap towards me and she knocked me out with a single punch. I saw Harvey with his eyes closed, lying beneath the other man with a huge hammer. 

"Take them inside," I heard Fury demand, then Natasha picked me up and started to walk back to the building. 

This wasn't how I quite expected to get in but I didn't try to break free, my head hurt too much, and then I blacked out. 

For the second time.

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