~ Chapter 18 ~

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A/N - Holy Thor!! Thank you all so much for getting this book to 1.2k reads! I didn't think it would get 10 to be honest. I'm so so sorry to keep you waiting. We are going on break soon so I'll be more active xx Okay back to the book... thank you again <3

*Time Hop*

~ 1 day until Shield Social ~

The Avengers facility is insane. So many many have been preparing for the past few days as well as doing their own work. Wow, the dedication agents have towards this party is nuts! And that's just the agents. The Avengers have been working their butts off.

I have been sent out on two little mission over the past few days and I have made some new friends. One with the 'Bird Bros' (Sam and Clint). We couldn't stay serious for long. A few days ago, Peter introduced me to this thing called youtube and showed me these six second videos called vines. Now I make references left, right and center. So whenever we passed anything Sam and I would make a vine reference.

*Flashback to a Vine reference*

"Ohh, a French patisserie," I smirked looking up at Sam who was flying above. "RAAHHH," I screamed into the mic. 

"AHHH, STAWP! I could've dropped my croissant," he joked back.

"Guys come on, stay focused! The terrorist is camping out just past these roadworks," Clint replied a little annoyed.

"Road works ahead?" Sam snickered looking down to the ground where I was running. 

I did a flip over a barricade of debris.

"Yeah... I sure hope it does," I reply in the hysterics. 

*End of Flashback*

Ohh, the good memories. 

I've also noticed that Harvey and Pete have been a little weird lately. I want to confront them about it but I feel a bit weird about asking. 

I haven't spend a lot of time in the facility because of my missions so I haven't been able to look at the files on me. This is good because I don't really care about them anymore, I'm on my way to a new life. Tony has kindly put in an enrolment for Harvey and me so we can attend school with Peter. *squee* 

And finally, Steve has been extra nice to me lately. Probably pity. That's basically a summary of the past few days.

- Back to the now -

I wake up bright and early the day before the social, 6:47 am to be precise. I roll out of the covers and go get dressed. I open up my bedroom door and there's already some chatter coming from the lounge. I shuffle along the floor until I can hear the two people talking.

"Bro you can ask her, it's not like she's going to reject you," I recognise Peter say. Ohhhh who is asking out who? I must know.

"But if I stuff up, I have to deal with her dad who is literally Ca-," I interrupt Harvey by walking into the room with a huge smirk. So he likes a girl!

"Harvey.. you never told me you liked anyone," I tease sitting down next to the boys. They look as though they have just woken up.

They give each other awkward side glances and I feel really weird.

"Um, yes," Harvey finally replied with pink cheeks. 

Aww he's blushing.

"Sooo... who's the lucky girl?" I knock his elbow. He swallows. Damn he's real nervous... wait hold on.

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