~ Chapter 15 ~

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'That's the wayyy, we became the Marvel Bunch!' hehehhe, it's so good. Alright I'll go now xx 

~ 6 days until Shield Social ~

Brooke's p.o.v

I wake up the next day absolutely terrified from my dream last night. I hesitantly put my right foot on the ground but proceed to let my left rest beside it. I stand up, still in my clothes from the night before, and continue to make my way to the kitchen to get something to eat. 

I walk out and find Natasha and Wanda sitting at the large, rectangular dining table just talking. They stop their conversation and look at me as I enter and Nat asks, "do you have anything to wear to the social Brooke?" I feel quite honored to be officially invited to SHIELD's social, "aha no. I wasn't really sure if I was allowed to come or not," I reply excitedly. 

"Everyone who sees the poster is invited," Wanda replies with a big grin, "so I take it you don't have an outfit?" she finishes. I shake my head to say 'no' and then Natasha invites me to go on a shopping trip with them. No one has ever done anything like this for me before. I happily agree and I sit down on a chair at the table to join their conversation.

After a laugh about all the men in the Avengers facility, the three of us get dressed and ask for Happy to take us to the mall (or shopping center) so we could go get an outfit each.

*Time hop brought to you by Tony's love for blueberries*

Brooke's p.o.v

Natasha is so freaking nice. She got the three of us a beautiful outfit for the social and now I'm actually looking forward to attending it. We also stopped by the makeup store and picked up a few items. I have no idea what they are called or what they so but the employee showed me how to apply them properly and I thought that they looked stunning. I trudged through the doors and along the hallway to make my way to my room carrying the many things in the strong bags then I dump them on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. "Ahhh," done, I thought while lying on my bed. It was such hard work walking around the shopping center and they have gotten really big as well. I roll off my bed and pick up my white jumpsuit from its bag to admire it. It was gorgeous. I've never owned a more beautiful item of clothing. 

"Hey," Harvey said while pushing my door open. I jumped a little and frantically threw my new clothes behind me.

Harvey's p.o.v

I heard the girls walk in. Is there anyone who couldn't? You could hear them laughing from the other side of the galaxy. I watched Brooke carry multiple bags on her strong arms and walk the distance to her room. I followed her slowly because I wanted to talk. I kept my eyes on her door and I watched her admire her new clothes. She's so cute. Noooooo Harvey stop. Keep it professional

"Heyy," I smiled while pushing open her door. She flinched and threw her garment behind her, onto her bed. 

"Hi Harvey," she stuttered still a bit stunned that I walked in on her. Her green eyes seemed quite happy to see me and I'm glad because I sure as hell wanted to see her. 

"I heard you went shopping with Wanda and Nat. I take it it went well?" I asked glancing behind her to get another look at her outfit. 

"Ohh, umm yes, yes it was. Thanks," she answered, following my gaze to the bed and staring at it. "Do you think it looks alright?" she asked not taking her eyes off it. 

"Brooke, its perfect!" I assured her. And so are you. She started to grin and gave a small laugh while stroking the soft fabrics. Brooke then lost her focus on her clothes and looked like she remembered something sad, angry and seemed little bit lost. She looked up at me with those emotions in her eyes but covered it with her poker face. Oh shit Harvey, what did you do? 

"Was  there anything you wanted to talk about?" she asked blankly. 

"Nope," I replied immediately, almost too quickly. She could tell I was lying. She could see it in my eyes but she didn't say anything. 

"Alright, umm have you, by any chance, read the files on me? You know - the ones Steve had." she queried. I had no idea what she was talking about. The last time I remember seeing the files was when she was spying on Steve yesterday and I scared her. I shook my head. I haven't read the files, but I read the letter, I keep to myself. She looked down for a split second then looked back up at my eyes. She seemed so disappointed. 

"Okay. Thanks," she implied that I should leave. I turned to walk out the door, feeling guilty. Come on Fury, why is keeping secrets your thing? 

"Bye, Punk," I joked, turning my head to where she stood. 

"Adios, Jerk!" Brooke responded playfully. I smiled and left the room.

Brooke's p.o.v

Harvey and I teased each other all the time but I never saw him as anything more than a friend. I've always been too busy to see him differently. 

Once he left I turned back around to the bags that were sitting on the floor not wanting to put my new things away. *sigh* I do it anyway. I sort them neatly throughout my room and I'm starting to get a sense of belonging. I'm not just another soldier, I smile to myself, this is home. There's only six more days until we finally overcome Hydra, I might need some more practise. I choose to head down to the gym to kick and punch something. I've been too girly today, time to let my inner tomboy shine before bed. 

I walk out of my room and realise everyone in the facility has gone really quiet...

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