~ Chapter 11 ~

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Brooke's p.o.v

I walked out of my room and saw some posters that were put up;

S.H.I.E.L.D Social!

All Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D staff welcome

Taking Place: Friday the 3rd of August

That's in one week. I wonder if I'll be able to come, probably not, I'll be back with Hydra by then. 

I walk past all the other advertising posters that were along the corridor but I ignored most of them. I kept walking down the hallway when I came across old photos of old S.H.I.E.L.D agents. As I scanned the photos I stopped when I saw a man who looked like Tony. I looked down to see his name, 'Howard Stark'. Howard? The guy from my dream? Why is he here? I thought it was a coincident until I saw the photo to Howard's left, 'Margaret 'Peggy' Carter'. Wait a second. Peggy and Howard? They were both in my dream? Is Peggy... My Mother? No, but what if she really is? And why is she on the S.H.I.E.L.D's hall of fame? "They are true guardians of S.H.I.E.L.D," I heard Fury say over my thoughts, "know any of them?" he asked. "I don't think so... but Margaret Carter and Howard Stark sound familiar. Would I know them from anywhere?" I asked back. He hesitated for a moment then replied, "Howard Stark is Tony's father. Howard created the serum that made Steve Captain America. And Peggy, she was one of the first S.H.I.E.L.D agent. She basically started this whole company." "So Howard had a son who is Tony?... Did Peggy have any kids?" I questioned out loud. Fury didn't reply so I turned around and looked him in the eye. "Not that we have been able to trace," he replied looking up at the photos. Nick started to turn to walk away but I stopped him, "They were both in a dream I had. I was Peggy's daughter and I heard a mention of Howard, are you sure that there's no relation?" I asked. "If so, it would not be our business to know," Fury replied as he walked away. I'm still slightly suspicious of everything and I'm starting to wonder who I can actually trust.

I walked back to my room to get a pencil and my old notebook. I haven't made a sketch in a while so I think it's time that I drew something. I walk around the facility for a while looking for something to draw. After a while, I start to become desperate to find something to draw that I started looking at some of the staff while they work to see if they have anything interesting for me to draw. Many of the staff are handling files which look awfully boring until something caught my eye. I say a woman with blonde hair holding a file labelled, 'Brooke Carter-Rogers'. I had to do a double take to make sure that what I was seeing was correct. S.H.I.E.L.D has a file on me, with the last names of heros. Something is going on. I watch the woman pick up the thick file and walk out of the room. She was on the other side of the glass that I was watching her through so I did my best to follow her on the other side. She got to a door at the end of the office space and handed the file to a set of hands. I take a better look and I see that she handed the file to Steve, Steve Rogers. No, I was abandoned by my parents and Steve was frozen by then so he couldn't be my dad. But why did he want the file of me? He talked to the woman for a while before giving her a hug and opening the door to the foyer area where I was. I ran to hide behind a pot plant that was next to me and I watched Steve walking with his eyes glued to the pages. Once he had passed, I followed him to see where he was putting the files. He walked all the way up to his room and closed the door behind him. I want to know what is in those files. I decide to wait in my room until Steve leaves. 

While I wait, I decide to read more of the book Clint gave me. So far an Indian girl called Annette who is very intelligent, sporty, a tomboy and a little bit short is a 14 year old girl who is living through a war. India was at war with Pakistan and were losing soldiers rapidly. The government went around to all houses in India getting all of the males in each household to train and fight in the army. The word reached Annette's town and there was much worry. Her friends were concerned about their fathers and brothers however Annette was worried about her family. Her father had died from a previous war and there were no other males in the house. Annette, being the eldest and the most responsible of her siblings, decided to disguise herself as a boy and fight in place of her father. When troops from the government arrived at the doorstep of her house Annette opened the door looking like a male of her age. The soldier asked her (thinking she was a boy) to fight for India and gave her the address and her enrollment. She quickly filled it in and was off on her way leaving only a note for her mother.

I'm quite enjoying the book, it has an interesting storyline and Annette is such a boss. I put a small book mark in the pages and put the book back on my bedside table. I open my door to see if Steve has left his room. His door is open and I can't see him in there from first glance. I step out of my room and look further into his. I can see the files on a desk. I decide to make my move now but before I can take another step I feel hands grab me on either side making me drop to the floor, "whatcha doin?" I look up and Harvey is standing there with a smile yet confused look. I gave a frown because he just ruined my plans, "Steve has a S.H.I.E.L.D file on me and I want to see it," I replied getting up. "You can get it later, The Avengers have called in everyone for a meeting, including us." "Why do they want us?" I asked because we aren't even technically Avengers. "Who knows," Harvey replied gesturing for me to follow him and so I did. I can get the files later.

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