~ Chapter 4 ~

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(Neutral Story Mode)

Brooke got up bright and early the next morning. She was actually happy, for the first time in years, she didn't have to worry about being surrounded by dangerous people who kill and destroy for a living.

Once she got the energy to get out of bed, she had a shower and got dressed into a camouflage T-Shirt with black sport legging and black boots. While she was getting dressed, Brooke looked at herself in the mirror when she noticed the red star that was on her back. Her pulse quickened a bit and her breaths were shaky. 

~Flashback to when Harvey and Brooke were 5~

Harvey and Brooke were playing with cards in their shared room when McCaucan unlocked the heavy door. Harvey quickly grabbed all the cards and stuffed them under his pillow. The metal door screeched open and McCaucan shouted at the two young children to come out. They came out sheepishly and followed their master down the corridor. They passed the training rooms and the canteen until they entered a room labelled 'Marking Lab'. McCaucan demanded them to get into the room, so they ran in quickly and quietly.

There were about 5 men in the room supervising knives that were being held above flames. The children were then strapped to large chairs so that they wouldn't move. After a short while, a doctor came and rubbed a small cloth with alcohol on it along Brooke's back and Harvey's shoulder. Two men then approached Brooke and Harvey with the flaming hot knives. Brooke watched as her best friend yelled in pain as they cut a star-shape into his shoulder. When they finished on Harvey, they left him in his chair to weep while some other men were filling the star with something. It was then Brooke's turn. She yelled at them to stay back and to not touch her, but she couldn't get them away. When the second the flaming hot knife touched her soft, tender skin she yelled such a high pitch screech that she lost her voice in a matter of seconds. Brooke could only cry in pain. It was so unbearable. When they finished the star on Brooke's back, the doctors backed away, letting the other man fill Brooke's star with the same stuff that they filled Harvey's shoulder with. McCaucan walked over to their chairs with a smug look printed on his face . "Hail Hydra! Say It!" He ordered. "H-Hail Hy-ydra," cried Harvey. "Ha-ail Hydra-a," ached Brooke. "You are weak children!" McCaucan said while unstrapping the kids, "Get back to your room you pathetic, little Hydras!"

Brooke and Harvey ran as fast as their legs could carry them (Obviously Brooke going faster because of her genes). When they got into their room they gave each other a huge hug. The pain was a pain that no human should ever have to experience - especially children. Someone heard their cries and walked into their room. He also had a star on his arm - but it was on metal. He didn't know who they were but he felt sorry for them, so he pulled them both in for a hug. "We'll escape one day," he said while giving the kids a hopeful nod. He then stood up and left them in their room. They cried themselves to sleep that night and looked after each other every single day after that.

~End of Flashback~

I heard the door open and I saw Steve at the door wearing a long sleeve black top with blue jeans. "You look great Brooke," he said while snapping me out of my flashback. "Huh, oh, thanks," I replied and smiled trying to cover the sadness I felt. He walked over to me and I removed my tears with my hands. I decided to tell him about what Hydra had done to Harvey and I when we were 5. I felt a bit hurt while telling the story, and Steve just wrapped his arms around me. I felt safe and happy in his arms and resting my head on his shoulder. He made sure I was alright, then took me out to the garage and we got onto his motorbike.

It was a pretty cool bike if I do say so myself. This world looks so different to the one I grew up in. The buildings are much taller and more shiny, the cars come in so many more colours and are polished beautifully and people were wearing a lot less clothing... I've missed a lot of society. After about 10 minutes of riding around the streets, we pulled up outside and ice-cream shop. We got off the bike and went inside. I decided to go with a flavour called peppermint choc chip. Many of the old Hydra soldiers told me how good it was. As for my dad, he got strawberry. Once dad had paid for the ice-creams, we headed over to a park that was across the road. The two of us walked into the center and sat down to enjoy our ice-cream.

"Hey Steve?" I asked nervously. "Yeah," he replied, "was there something you wanted to ask?" he, well, asked. ".. Yes there was," and then I gulped and started freaking out so bad. Please don't go bad, please, please don't go bad, I prayed in my head. "Sure," he replied calmly. "Well you probably know but.." I started hesitantly, ".. what is your shield made of exactly?" If there was a real feeling to express how I feel right now, it would be: stuffs up in front of important person, face palms on the inside and is trying to act as natural as possible but is feeling very stupid on the inside. I can't believe I gave away the opportunity to join forces with Captain America, but I still don't want to disappoint Hydra. "Oh, well it is made from vibranium. A very rare metal but I don't have it anymore. I gave it back to its rightful owner," he replied. "Riiiight," I said trying to act smooth. I am brilliant at talking to people, not.

Steve's p.o.v

I'm new to this whole parenting thing but I am pretty sure that Brooke is hiding something. I hope she is alright.

We finished our ice creams with a light conversation. Afterwards, I thought that we should have a bit of fun. I tapped her on the shoulder, started to run and yelled, "Catch me if you can!" She laughed for a second then started to run. Brooke is pretty fast, but so am I. We ran around the field, with me leading and Brooke being quick on her feet behind me. After about a hundred meters, I looked behind me and found that she wasn't there. I stopped and started to look around on the spot when suddenly, someone jumped on my back from out of the tree. The person took me to the ground and whispered, "caught you." My daughter is too good.

Brooke's p.o.v

I let Steve up and we raced each other back to the bike. When we were getting our helmets on, I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. I looked around to see if there was anything suspicious, but there only seemed to be normal people. "You alright Brooke?" Steve asked, "yeah, yeah, I'm alright," I replied not taking my eyes off the scenery. We mounted the bike and made our way back to the Avengers Facility all in one piece.

Cap and I walked into the living area where we found Bucky and Harvey eating plums together. "Eventful day Harv?" I chuckled. "Oh yes! Buck took me to a local plum farm and we got to pick some plums," Harvey smiled before consuming another plum, "these are delicious," Harvey said, holding another one up. Steve and I just laughed, I then felt this burning sensation on my back where the star is. I inhaled heavily and told the three guys that I would be in my room if anyone needed me. I walked down the hallway to my room.

I went in and closed the door and yelled out in pain. The star felt like it was burning away my skin. Following the pain, came a vibrating sound. It was coming from my Hydra screen (they have screens to communicate in this book). I picked up the screen and saw that McCaucan was calling, so I quickly swiped to answer. "Brooke, what exactly were you doing in the park today?" asked the morbid voice of McCaucan. "H-how do you know about that sir?" I questioned, "I have my ways, now, what were you doing in the park?" he repeated with more anger. "I thou-ought that maybe I should build up his trust before taking him in," I replied back shyly. "Excuses, excuses Rogers," McCaucan spat out disappointingly. "Err one more thing sir... why is the star on my back burning?" I asked. I could tell that he was grinning from the other side, "Child, I use the marking lab for more than leaving marks. What hurt you was a chip that releases a burning sensation when people report you off mission. Now, you had better stay on mission, or I will have every right to eliminate you." He left it at that. No good job, no sorry, I guess I never have and never will get it from him...  Before I could think further, Harvey stepped into my room. "Hey are you alright Rogers?" he asked playfully. I tried to smile but I just couldn't. "McCaucan called me. He said that if I don't stay on mission, he will have every right to eliminate me. I don't want to die Harvey," I frowned and walked towards him. He opened his arms and gave me a warm hug. I'm glad that there is someone who knows what I've been through. "Did you tell Steve about us?" Harvey asked when he let me go, "no I.. I didn't. I kinda panicked under pressure and asked him about his shield." I shrugged. *Harvey face palms* "Oh Brooke, you are a goose some days." 

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