~ Chapter 5 ~

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Steve's p.o.v

Harvey followed Brooke a little bit after she had left. I felt like something strange was going on. I wanted to ask Bucky if he knew what was really going on but then Tony stepped into the room. "Capsicle, Winter, we are needed for a small mission tonight in Washington. Suit up," Tony jumped out of the room. "Well, I'll just eat my plums later," huffed Bucky. I shook my head and smiled, I then stood up and walked back to my room with Buck. I passed my daughter's room and it sounded like someone else was in there with Brooke and Harvey but I was in too much of a rush to listen in. I got into the suit quite quick, then I walked out and ran to the jet that was being prepared. Natasha was already in there. "Captain," she acknowledged, "Romanoff," I nodded. Tony, Bucky and Mr Rhodes came shortly after and the jet took off to Washington.

Bruce's p.o.v

When Tony had left to warn Steve about Washington, I walked out of the lab with a bag to go see Brooke and Harvey as I had some things for them. I walked down the hallway, placing my feet softly on the floor, because what I was doing would surely get me into trouble. I knocked on the door and let myself in, "Hey Harvey and Brooke, I'm Doctor Banner," I introduced. They both said hello and smiled, I then took my bag off my shoulders and opened up the zip to show them what I had - well, what Tony and I had. "Tony and I have been working on some things for the pair of you, some things that will help you settle in with the Avengers," I said while pulling out some clothes. I got Brooke a suit that resembles her father's one and a smaller vibranium shield. Tony had constructed a suit for Harvey which was similar to his father's but Harvey got a metal glove that can extend to cover his whole arm and has a built in AI. I saw as their faces lit up in excitement and awe as I gave the suits to them. "Now kids, Tony and I want to see what you can do with those suits. There is a minor mission that needs attending down in Washington so Tony and I had decided to take you along with some of the other Avengers, we want to see what you can do having done no SHIELD training," I told them. They seemed excited and eager to try on their new suits so I let them get dressed and asked if they could come down to the lab so that I could explain what they had to do.

It took around 10 minutes for them to get dressed into their new clothes and they looked just like their fathers when they walked in. "Looking good there kids," I complimented nodding my head. "Thanks... But why exactly have I got a replica of Captain America's outfit and not a new design of my own?" Brooke asked curiously. I froze a little on the inside but I tried not to show it. Harvey and Brooke were both looking at me in the eye waiting for my answer. "Well you kind of look like Steve, don't you think? I just thought it would be cool to have a Captain and a little Cap," I improvised. Thankfully she bought it but I don't know how long Fury thinks he is going to be able to keep this a secret. "Alright, lets get down to business..."

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