~ Chapter 3 ~

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Bucky's p.o.v

Steve and I went back upstairs to the other Avengers and Nick looked at us with his usual serious expression. 

"Captain, James, we need you for another mission, and we also need your kids." 

Before we could say anything to object to Fury's command, Tony asked, 

"In what kind of mission do we need children?" 

"Hydra is taking over cities faster than Tony has made most of his suits. They wanted Bucky and Steve so that they could do the job a lot faster but the only people who can get them in discreetly are Harvey and Brooke," Fury answered. 

"I don't want my daughter going in for a mission. She might turn against us," Steve replied giving a sass glare to Nick. 

I tried my best to hold in my laughter, "if I may Rogers, she seemed to trust you just minutes ago, we can build up their trust with you and they won't turn against you. Gentlemen, it's time for father bonding time," Nick said. 

Steve looked annoyed so I patted him on the back and looked at him with the 'it will be okay' expression. 

"Where will they be staying?" asked Wanda. 

"They will have the two spare rooms opposite Steve's and Bucky's," said Tony. 

"You will have the next two weeks to bond with them, we then need to take action against Hydra. Get to it everyone, make sure they feel welcome," said Fury. 

Everyone then stood up and went off their separate ways, except Steve and I.

Once they all left, Steve paced for a bit, then sat down on a chair that wasn't pushed in and sighed. I sat down next to him and asked if he was alright. He said that he has just met his daughter that he never knew existed and he now might lose her on a mission. He buried his head in his hands, and handed me the note that Peggy left for him. I read it, then I put my hand on his shoulder and said that if anything goes wrong, I'll be with him till the end of the line. He looked up and smiled, I smiled back then offered him a plum that I had in my pocket. He laughed and took the plum.

Steve's p.o.v

After Bucky gave me the plum, we headed back downstairs to get our children from their cells and transfer them to their rooms. We found them just talking to each other on Brooke's bed. We opened the door and let them out. Buck and I led them upstairs to the rooms and showed them theirs. 

When Brooke walked into the white-walled room, a smile crept up on her face as she looked around the room. She stopped and looked at me, then ran in for a hug and whispered, 

"thank you." 

"You'd better rest up kid, I got told to look after you while you're here, thought I might take you out into New York," I said with a smile. 

Brooke seemed excited as I left the room. I really hope that she can come round to love me like a daughter should love her dad.

Brooke's p.o.v

Steve took me into my new room and I honestly loved it. It had a little bed in the corner, there was a nice big window and it even had its own bathroom! I thanked Steve and then he said that he would take me out to see New York. I'm pretty excited to spend time with the Captain America, he was the first Avenger! Although, I feel like he is hiding something from me, and I have a bad gut feeling about it, but who knows, that could just be me being nervous... or hungry.

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