~ Chapter 14 ~

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Meanwhile in Hydra...

(Neutral Story Mode)

McCaucan was sitting in his office chair with his legs crossed resting on his large desk. He has a toothpick lying in his mouth and he is looking out his pristine window that over looks the whole Hydra base. "Sir, we got Ardal into the Avenger's Facility. He is now on his way back to Germany for a report," said a petite but ruthless voice, carrying at least 6 files and 7 soldier resumes. "Good, and what about Harvey and that trouble maker Brooke?" he asked with his eyes still glued out the window, watching all the productions. "Harvey has safely returned the files and Brooke is aware of her due date," she said in a calm matter. "Excellent work Agent D14. Brooke must not know of her father, we can't have her taking sides now can we," McCaucan replied spinning around in his chair to face her. "No sir," she replied quickly lifting her eyebrows then lowering them back down to a neutral state, "Remind me again why Brooke has gone on this mission and I have been assigned back here?" She asked in jealousy of Brooke. "I always knew she would betray us one day and you, you have potential. I need you to stay here with all the knowledge in case she turns against us. If she somehow manages to take me down, I need someone to run the family business," he said in reply to his daughter, putting his hands on the sides of her shoulders. "Okay father," she said happily and then turned around to leave. "Oh, and seek to hiring some of your own recruits for future," he encouraged his daughter. You could hear her walk down the corridor because of the clink in her heels. McCaucan turned back to face his window. He took the toothpick out and glared out over the Hydra base twirling the wood between his fingers. "You will pay for everything Rogers," he said infuriated and with that, he snapped the toothpick.

A/N - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DRAMA! Sorry for interrupting the story :) hah okay byee xx

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