~ Chapter 8 ~

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Brooke's p.o.v

THAT. WAS. AMAZING!!!!! I haven't had that much excitement in 60 years! It felt great to be out in the battle field again. But that man, he was very mysterious, I wasn't quite sure what he meant by 'sold me to a better life'... Hmmm oh well. Dr Strange got us back to New York pretty quickly, I mean we travelled through a portal, it was pretty stealthy if I do say so myself. I was quite tired by the time we got inside so I headed straight to my room to go to bed.

I looked into the small wardrobe for some pajamas to wear tonight. I found some hot pink ones that looked absolutely horrid. I snatched them out of the drawer and threw them under the bed. Thank God that's gone. I kept looking through the drawer of clothes and there weren't many that took my fancy, so I decided to wear a singlet and shorts with a casual jumper over the top to keep me warm because it was a bit cooler tonight compared to the heat during the day. I took off my new suit created by Bruce and Tony and folded it neatly to be put in its own personal drawer.

I washed my teeth, face and hands before turning off the ceiling light and crawling under the warm blankets that covered the soft mattress. I felt as though I was living the life of royalty, I think I could get used to this. I found a book that was on my bedside table with a small sticky note on it that said, 'From Clint'. I wonder which one this Clint is. Anyways the book was titled, "The Girl of War". Looks very interesting. I start to read it but my eyes start to get heavy and so I place the book back where I found it and fall asleep.

*Brooke's Dream*

"Aww she looks just like you Pegs! What's her name?" a woman asked. I slowly open my eyes to see me laying in a tiny wooden baby crib. The walls are rustic and wooden and there's a slight glare in the light. I raise my hands and see that I'm... A BABY?! What an odd start to a dream. Pegs looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes, "Brooke, Brooke Stevie Carter-Rogers," she replied. The other woman was shocked and had her eyes wide open looking at Pegs. "So she's his daughter?" She asked in disbelief. "She's one of Howard's ideas," Pegs replied, "but yes Amanda, she is." Well that's great to know that I'm more of an 'idea' than a loved child. Soon after their boring chat, the young lady, Amanda, left the house and I was alone with Pegs. I think I'll refer to her a 'Peggy'. She looked over at me and smiled. I giggled but it was more of a cute baby giggle. She picked me up and fed me a bottle of cool milk. She then started to teach me how to walk - well crawl. It was an exciting and interesting day. I was put back into my bed in the evening and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I felt like it was around 2 am when I felt slender and unfamiliar hands carefully pick me up at my waist. It was dark and I was too tired to get a good look at the person but judging by the way that they picked me up I could only assume that this was a teenager or a young person. I coughed a little because he choked me from the way that I was being held and so, I did what any other baby would do, I cried. The second I started to wail, the lights turned on and the person holding me started to 'shush' at me to go back to sleep but I kept on crying. I saw Peggy run into the room we were in while the teen, who had me clenched between their hands and their body, jumped out of the window that they came in from and run into the streets of Brooklyn. I was crying out for Peggy and I heard a few gunshots coming from where we were but this person dodged them well and kept running down the dark alleyways. Eventually, I got tired from crying out that I fell asleep and the person let out a sigh of relief.

A while later, I heard the sound of a rusty plane engine start and we started to lift off. My little heart was going nuts, I was panicking and I started hyperventilating. WHAT IS GOING ON!?

*End of Brooke's Dream*

I woke up abruptly and my eyes shot wide open. I was breathing heavily and I could feel cool sweat run onto my lips. I turned my head over to see what the time was; 4:00 am. I turned back over and stared at the roof. I let out a sigh of relief, "only a dream," I whispered to myself. Now that I was up, I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep unless I did something so I got dressed into some track pants and a singlet then went down to the gym.

There's a lot of equipment down here but I chose the punching bag. I got some gloves on and I started punching the one hanging up, I needed to let out some energy. While I was punching and kicking it to death, I had multiple thoughts going through my mind, 'Who's Peggy?', 'Why am I an idea?', 'Who is Howard?', 'Was that just a dream?'. Was it really just a dream?, I repeated to myself over and over again until I kicked the bag with such a force that it went flying off the hook that it was hanging from. "Strong kick you got there," said a new voice. I jolted my head to where the voice was coming from and a guy stepped into the light. "I'm Peter, Peter Parker," he introduced. "Hi, I'm Brooke, Brooke Rogers," I introduced back. Peter nodded his head and gave a small smile. "Where are you from Peter?" I asked, trying to get a conversation going. "I'm from Queens, not too far from here, how about you?" he asked. "Err, I don't really know. I don't know who my parents were and if they're still alive but I was brought up in a Hydra base in Germany," I answered back awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say.

Peter's p.o.v

My question to her is 'how are you not suspicious at all by the fact that you and Steve have the same last name, similar features and close genes?' but I knew better than to ask her that, after all, we all swore the secrecy for Fury but I feel like she has the right to know. "Germany, wow quite far from here," I commented. "Yeah, only a few hundred, thousand miles," she laughed back. I smiled at her comment, "Well, nice meeting you Rogers," I nodded, "likewise Parker," she nodded back then I left the gym and went back through the hallway and back to bed.

Brooke's p.o.v

Peter is nice and I think I might have made a new friend! I picked the punching bag back up and hooked it up where it was hanging before I knocked it over. I took off my gloves and lay the back where they were when I found them and headed up to the kitchen to grab a snack. There's not much here, someone must have been here before me, so I ended up grabbing some grapes. I walked silently back into my room and continued reading some of my book before eventually getting back to sleep.

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