~ Chapter 16 ~

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Tony's p.o.v

These kids need a non-stuffed up life. They have been living in chaos for years and haven't been able to experience anything normal so I think I need to consult some things with Steve and Peter.

I told them to meet me in my lab as I'm working on a new project that needs attention. They both arrive on time and are looking rather confused. 

"Welcome," I say looking up with a smile. 

"Woah, Mr Stark, what are you working on?" Pete asked so innocently admiring every little movement I did, "I'm not sure yet, kid. But if it works, it will be unforgettable," I reply with my eyes fixed on the project. 

"Why are we here, Tony?" Steve asked a little worried, though he tried not to show it. 

"I would like to discuss the business with Brooke and Harvey. They've been here for how many days?" I paused, "...not long, and they have already settled in well. I plan for them to stay because, Steve, you need someone and we could use those two on our team," I pointed out glancing at Steve for a second. His head was bowed down and I realised how lonely that made him feel. Poor Steve, at least I have Pepper. 

"So we are actually going to tell her?!" Peter asked hopefully. I drop what I'm doing to think of what to say.

"I really want to Pete but..." I paused, trying to think of an answer but I got nothing.

"But you don't want to handle two Rogers?" Natasha barged in. Her arms were crossed but she didn't look mad. Damn, she's hard to read. Steve looked at her like, 'really Nat?'

"H-how long have you been there?" Peter stuttered. He's met all the Avengers before but Natasha still scares him, yet somehow, a God of Thunder does not bother him.

"Long enough. Tony, Steve, she has to be told. We told Harvey and he is perfectly alright," she stated.

"Yeah, that's because I was literally made in a lab. I've been only recently been rescued by SHIELD from Hydra," Harvey walked into the lab, "she was a young agent of SHIELD who got kidnapped by Hydra and was lost from the system for years. Brooke has endured suffering from what she thought was her only family. It could go either way - excited she's home or annoyed that no one saved her," he finally finished. 

Everyone was silent in thought. Ugh, why is this harder than creating a new element?

"Ugh, Friday, calculate the possibility of Brooke finding out she's an agent of SHIELD?" I asked my AI.

"72%, sir. The odds are slowly increasing as we speak," he responded in his monotone.

"So she'll find out eventually?" Peter queried.

"Yup, and we are being rather stupid by not telling her," I complained, annoyed at Fury.

"You're right! Lady Brooke doesn't deserve these secrets," Thor walked in, ducking through the doorway. Now my lab is a cult room, how lovely.

"I remember father keeping his secret from Loki. It didn't end well, as you all know," he trailed off, "and I'm not saying that Brooke is like Loki, but if she is..." he paused and let us all fill in the blank. We're Screwed, I repeated to myself.

"It will be New York all over again," Bruce said opening the door and closing it softly behind him. Come on Friday, I thought security was better than this.

"Is anyone else going to come in?" I groan.

"Wanda, Sam, Bucky and James had a day off so went out to do some team bonding for the day and they also invited Scott. The only one left in the facility is Brooke and a couple of agents and I think Fury might be here too, though I don't know for sure,"  Clint said barging straight into the lab.

"Guys, what are we going to do with Brooke? She is still only, technically a teenager and she deserves better," Steve huffed, "what were you saying before, Stark?" he asked looking over at me. I suddenly remember why I called Steve and Peter here.

"Ahh yes, well, I was thinking that we could send Brooke and Harvey to school with Peter. Where is it you go again, kid?" I ask finally getting onto the original topic.

"Midtown High, in Queens," Peter replied proudly.

"Okay a little far but still safe," I exhale bringing up some enrolments for the kids. Everyone watches me closely making suggestions for their personal information. I reach their age and took my eyes off the forms and faced everyone with a muddled look.

"... they're like 64..." I indicated, "ah whatever, they look 15," I give up, just putting 15 into the gap. I also want them to be in the same year as Peter so that they can ease into school as much as possible.

"Thanks Tony," Steve thanked. He really needed all the help he could get. Again, poor guy. I know I would want help too if I had to raise a child.

"Think nothing of it, Capsicle," I reply with a small smirk, reading over the electronic forms.

"They look all good. Seem believable?" I ask the team for any final opinions, even though I already knew they were great. They all nodded in agreement.

"Alright then I'll send them in, Friday, can you please email these to Midtown High?" I asked Friday.

"I like potatoes too, Mr Stark," he replied with a shaky voice. One that I've never heard before. The crew stood around exchanging baffled looks with each other. A few even looked stressed, until Thor came in with so much innocence, 

"Friday isn't working. Perhaps you should ask Saturday?" Thor suggested. I wanted to facepalm at him so bad but I was too concerned about my AI to be Tony Stark, because it was that voice that literally held everything together.

"Friday, please don't pull an Ultron on us," I plead trying my hardest to figure out what's wrong.

"T-th-erer... i-i-isss.... h-ha..." Friday buzzed out. Bruce, who was closest to the door, slowly turned around to open it. But it didn't unlock. We are trapped.

"M-mr Stark," Peter stammered. Harvey didn't look so great either. I looked at the frightened teens and realised who they were stressed about. Brooke.

"Boys don't worry. She is a trained Hydra and SHIELD agent. She'll be fine, in the meantime we should just stay calm," Natasha assured them putting one of each of her hands on their shoulders to calm them down, even though the adults and Thor could tell that she wasn't so tranquil herself.

Well shit.

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