~ Chapter 17 ~

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Brooke's p.o.v

"Steve?..." I call out to the lounge, "Tony?" Still no reply. 

I can feel my heart pace increase a little and I start to patrol the area with caution

. The sun is starting to set behind the trees so I am depending on the few lights that are on to be able to navigate myself around this maze. I can't hear or see anything suspicious... apart from the lack of people. I figure they must have gone out, but it makes no sense because it's late in the day and they all have work tomorrow. 

I start to panic a little, this is almost as stressful as some of the tests Hydra had me do. I proceed through the facility and as I keep walking, I brace myself for any attacks that might occur. There is literally no one in this huge place. No guards, no Avengers, no agen- wait. I hear quiet mumbling coming from the agents lobby. 

I dash down the wide corridor avoiding any possible noise. I come to a halt when I reach the edge of the foyer that connected the Avenger's Facility to the agent's office. I suck in a breath and take a glance around the corner. The familiar glass wall that sealed off the agents' office showed nothing apart from a small hint of light that came from one of the computers. I take off my shoes to eliminate more noise and I creep over to the glass barricade and squat down close to a rectangular concrete column and make myself as small as I physically can. I press my ear against the cold glass to listen in on what activity was happening. I picked up something.  

"So they can't detect this?" I hear a female voice say, a little uncertain.

"Nup. I've hacked Mr Stark's Ai so that nothing can be traced nor can the team escape his lab. They won't be able to trace this call either," another female agent replies. They both sound so young, almost my age.

"Good, I need round up a team myself. I've been calling my friends, asking them to be... agents for my squad. I needed someone from the inside to keep a better eye on Brooke and... Harvey," the first voice said almost dreamily. I feel a tingle of jealousy brew inside of me. He's my friend, back off.

"Okay, what exactly do you need me to do," the second voice responds back.

"Like I said, keep an eye on them. If you need a couple more agents to help you, be my guest but they need to stick to their mission. If they don't alert me as soon as possible. Just give me regular updates and you won't regret anything," voice one says. 

"Alright, Hail Hydra,"

"Hail Hydra," they murmured to each other. 

Oh. My. Lord.

"Oh and make sure you stay away from the spotlight," voice one concluded. 

I need to get a look at their faces but before I could catch anything, the ringmaster of the two hang up the call. I slowly stood up, still behind the concrete, to get a better look at the other female. I couldn't see much of her face but I did pick up brown eyes behind black glasses. Her image was only slightly illuminated by the computer's screen brightness. She was typing furiously on her keyboard. My instincts are telling me to go after her but my head says, 'OH HELL TO THE NO!' My instincts win. I creep over to the door and put my hand on the door's handle.

"3... 2...1," I whisper to myself.

I push down the handle and the door immediately opens up. The figure abruptly looks up to me and slams her laptop over, causing all light to be destroyed. I got a sense of where she was and sprinted over. From memory, I'm now where she stood but I can't see her. I my hand over my mouth so that I can hear even the smallest sounds coming from around me. I pick up soft breathing coming from my left. 

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