~ Chapter 7 ~

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Steve's p.o.v

I watched Brooke and Harvey bring down the murderer, and they did a very good job at it as well, apart from chopping of his hand - that was a bit harsh, but I am furious at Tony for getting the kids to take on a criminal, and why did he think that giving them suits that resemble ours was a good idea. Aren't they even just a bit suspicious? Tony flew down and talked to them but I had no idea what they were saying. Then the two ran off into the bushes and went through Steven's portal. I watched the whole thing up until Tony flew away from the body. Natasha walked into the room with Bucky. "You saw it?" Natasha asked. "Were you behind this Nat?" I asked annoyed still looking down at the body. "Steve, Tony just wanted to see what they could do. He was watching and would have taken the guy down if they were in danger but look, they're fine Steve," she reasoned. I turned to look at her. At that second, Tony walked in with Rhodes, "Hey guys, I saw the murderer on the outskirts and took him down, he's now being taken away and we are dismissed." I glared at him, "you mean our kids took him down," I replied looking at Bucky and then Tony. "Look, Steve, I wanted to know what they were capable of," Tony argued back. "They are capable of chopping off hands, is that what you have learned?" I asked. "They didn't turn against us and they did as I asked them to. They're safe and unharmed Rogers." Rhodes stepped in, helping Tony. "You went behind my back, she is my only family, you were willing to gamble with her life just 'to see what she could do'. I am glad that she is alright Tony or you would be in all sorts of trouble," I said before leaving the room.

I could her some small talk from where I was and I heard light footsteps follow close behind me, "did you doubt a woman's' ability to fight?" asked Nat. I sighed and kept on walking, then she walked in front of me and stopped me in my path. "I didn't Nat, I just don't want to see her gone or hurt," I told her. "You only just discovered you had a daughter yesterday Rogers, don't take it on too hard," Natasha said while putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked down and thought about it. She was right, I shouldn't take this on too hard. I need to be cool about things but I still don't understand why Tony would use her without even mentioning it to me. "But why would Tony do something like that without even letting me know Romanoff? She would have been fine, I know that, but why wasn't I told?" I asked trying to get my point across. She couldn't find the words but I don't blame her. I apologised for being so sour about it and waited for Tony and the others to catch up to us. We said our goodbyes to the President and let him know about the criminal and asked if we could get some of his details back so we can track any other suspicious behaviour. We all got back onto that bus then the plane. It was a long flight back to New York.

It was almost 10:00 pm by the time we got back and I was a little hungry. Bucky and I were both hungry so we went into the kitchen and got out some food to snack on before going to sleep without a sound.

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