~ Chapter 19 ~

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Brooke's p.o.v

"Just tell him!" Peter yelled at me, "you'll regret it otherwise."

I nodded. I know what regret feels like...

*Flashback to 13 years old*

"Harvey, I've told you a million times already! Anywhere is bound to be better than this hell hole!" I shout-whisper through my cell.

"Yeah, but was escaping really worth this detention?" he asks back in the darkness.

It was a completely flawless plan in my opinion. We so almost got away with our escape. We would have if there wasn't a fire in the kitchen. Seriously, a whole secret army but no one could hire a good cook? I am disappointed. Now the two of us are stuck behind bars, sitting in dim lighting and breathing in the gnarly air.

"Hey it wasn't my fault! I didn't know the chef wanted to make a midnight roast!" I argue.

"I'm not blaming you. It's just... what if this is our last detention?" he trailed off sadly. His voice cracked a little at the end.

"What do you mean? They aren't going to murder us. We have special DNA. You're a little Winter Soldier and I'm..." I hesitated to answer. 

Hydra hasn't told me who I'm related to. I've only been told that I'm a special 'hybrid' that could lead an armed force to victory in battle. At least, that's what I've heard some of the soldiers talk about.

"...I'm a hybrid... They need us," I reassured him, though I was really reassuring myself.


"I'm sorry... It's just this place sucks and I was hoping that you'd want to escape with me... I never meant to drag you down with me," I say. 

At that moment, I feel a cold breeze rush past my back causing me to shiver. I look out of the iron bars and see a soldier walk over to Harvey's cell. He pulls out the large keys from the silver hook that's attached to his belt and unlocks the rusty door.

"You're up first, Barnes," he croaks. 

I hear Harvey stand up then mumble to himself.

"Do it for her Barnes. She'd do it for you,"

Then I watched my best friend being eaten alive by the darkness. One day Harvey.. One day I won't live with all this regret. I promise I will make it up to you. Please, just make it out alive...

*End of Flashback*

Today is that day.

I heavily exhale, "Okay. I got this. This is easy."

"You do now go," Peter lightly pushed me out of his room and sent me on my way. I knock on Harvey's door then let myself in. He stands up abruptly when he sees me.

"Brooke, hey," he says fiddling with his fingers.

"Umm, hi. About earlier..." I pause. I don't know how to word this, "I arr-"

"It's okay. I put you on the spot... but I meant what I said. I really like you... a-and I was wondering if you meant your words too."

"Well if Peter's definition of love is correct then yeah... I really like you too."

Harvey stops playing with his fingers and looks at me with excitement. 

"Really?" He asks with the biggest grin.

I nod and smile with him.

"Well then, Brooke, would you like to go to the social with me?" Harvey asks with confidence.

"Hell yeah," I laugh and give him a hug.

It was a little awkward at first but then I rested into his arms. I leaned out of the hug and debated kissing him on the cheek. Nah, it's too soon, I thought. I'll save it for a sweeter moment.

"See you tomorrow, loser," I punch him in the shoulder.

He snorts then answers,

"Not if I see you first," while following me out the door.

I walk back to my room then let out a little squeal in excitement. For once, my life is actually not looking horrible... 




~ The Waiting Hydra Base In Germany ~

"Ahhh, Brooke's life is about to become even more horrible," McCaucan grins to himself.

It pleases him thinking of the poor girl's misery.

"Ohh, you know I love it when you're planning something evil..." agent D13 replies with and evil grin.

"Hmm, well, as I said a few days ago, I know that Brooke will betray us. It's a given," He starts.

"I know, father... but I still don't understand why we made her hate Hydra?"

"Hydra wasn't a place made for her good morals. She wouldn't have liked it if she was a part of the organisation before hand. She'd do anything to shut this place down - even if it meant teaming up with Shield."

McCaucan led his daughter down the long maze. She listened to her dad so intently as she followed.

"I always knew they would accept her if she ever came back, she is one of them after all. That's why I've planned this day for all those years. We'll let her go and they'll come back with their Avengers friends."

"... so, we are expecting their attack?" she asked, resting her arms on the railing that overlooked the training grounds.

"Precisely junior. Everyone in Hydra will not rest until we finally have what we need."

"What if, they take us down... like they've done before?"

"You must run. I assume you already have your team assembled?"

"Yes, and I am waiting for a new recruit to accept my offer in Oregon," his daughter beamed proudly.

"Good. As I said, you must run. Keep Hydra alive, for when they cut of a head, two more takes its place."

He turned to his daughter.

"Hail Hydra!"

"Hail Hydra!"

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