~ Chapter 6 ~

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Tony's p.o.v

This is a good idea and I'm not just saying that because I've had a couple of shots, I'm saying that because I have seen their history and training techniques so they should be fine, plus I want to see what they can do. I asked Bruce if he could give the kids their suits while I took the first jet to Washington with Cappie and Mr Winter. Our mission was to protect the president because of a recent rumor of an attempted murder, an over-reaction if you ask me. Our plan was to get the kids there quicker with the help of Steven and they will stay on guard the whole time. I will try to keep Steve and James distracted but I'll make sure that I can still watch those kids kick ass.  "What exactly are we doing in Washington?" Rogers asked. "Well the President is nervous about a roaming murderer and asked if he could get a few of the Avengers down to keep him safe for a night or two," Rhodes replied, "Yes and I even called in for some backup in case we need it," I finished.

We were just landing at the airport when Bruce sent through a message saying that the Juniors were all ready and on their way. This was all going great until Natasha stopped me, "Who are the backups? Brooke and Harvey?" "As a matter of fact yes, do Steve and James know? Of course not, I just want to watch these kids from a distance where they can actually do something instead of being locked up in the facility." "Do you really think that this is a good idea Mr Stark?" She asked. "Yes, yes I do. If we are going to trust them with Hydra then I want to see what they can do under a bit of pressure. Now keep Barnes a little distracted, leave the rest to me Romanoff." I quickened my pace to get to the bus that was taking us to The White House.

We got there relatively quickly and right on schedule. We walked into the huge front door and we were greeted by a old man (Stan Lee). "I'm the janitor around here, and you are?" "I am Iron Man." I replied, "Oh, Nyan Man? Come right through," he replied gesturing with one of his hands. "Heh, Nyan Man," Chuckled War Machine. I rolled my eyes from inside the suit. Soon enough we were welcomed by the President and we re-introduced each of us, then we split off and took an area of the small house to supervise.

I would say we got to this place at around 5:30 pm and It was now 8:00 pm, 150 minutes it took for the murderer to even show up. I spotted him on the rear side of the building and just watched and waited for the action to start.

(Neutral Story Mode)

Brooke and Harvey were sitting in the high treetops in the President's backyard, waiting for any unusual behaviour. It was at around 8:00 pm when someone in full black with a knife belt came creeping through the yard. Brooke gave a signalling nod to Harvey and lipped the words, 'One, Two, Three'. It was then that Harvey jumped down from the tree and into the bushes making a quiet rustle in the twigs and leaves. The figure turned around quickly and walked over to the bush stealthily. They were about to strike the bush with a sharp machete when Brooke jumped down from the tree and kicked their legs from behind so that they fell onto the grass face-first. The murderer's reflexes were quick, and they stood up within a few seconds with sharp blades in both hands and started charging towards Brooke. She stood still with a smirk because she could see Harvey sneaking towards the criminal with his metal glove at the ready. Harvey thought he got the element of surprise, but he was wrong. The figure turned around and scraped Harvey down the chest. He groaned in pain and the person was about to finish him off, when Brooke threw her new shield with a mighty force towards to person. They tried to slide out of the way but instead got their right hand chopped clean off. They let out a mighty roar and stumbled to the ground in pain. Brooke ran to where her shield lay and picked it up then walked over to where Harvey was lying down. "And this year's best actor award goes to Harvey, the drama queen," smirked Brooke pretending to hold a microphone. "You mean drama king," commented Harvey opening his eyes and taking Brooke's hand to stand up. Brooke looked up towards the window where Tony stood and gave a nod, Tony nodded back and left the window. The young pair walked over to the criminal. Harvey put one foot on the criminal's back to signify that they weren't going anywhere and Brooke started to ask some questions. "Who are you?" She demanded, "Brooke, Harvey, fancy seeing you here," he ached. "Don't play smart with us," Brooke sassed back, "now, WHO ARE YOU," she growled fiercely. He sighed maliciously, "you obviously don't remember, probably a better thing. I am someone different to each and every person, some a provider, some a thief, to you, Brooke, I sold you to a better life," the man said before reaching, with his only hand, into his pocket and consuming cyanide. The kids looked at each other very confused and tried to think about what he might have meant. It was then that Tony showed up. "You did good Juniors," he respected, "now you get back to Mr Strange and head on back to New York." Then Dr Strange emerged from the bushed, "IT'S DOCTOR STRANGE!" he corrected. Tony smiled and shook his head. Stephen then created the portal back to New York and let the kids through following after them. Tony turned around to the body, "Rhodes, you there?" he asked into the suit. "Yes, did the kids do it?" He asked. "Yes, yes they did and the man is now dead in front of me and is making me uncomfortable, can you call for medical staff to come and collect the body?" "Yes Nyan Man," War Machine replied. "Don't call me that." Tony sighed while shaking his head and lifting up off the ground back into the house.

Tony thought he had seen all the action without anyone else knowing but little did he know, Steve saw the whole thing.

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