~ Chapter 13 ~

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~ 7 days until Shield Social ~

(Neutral Story Mode)

Brooke and Steve walked into the living area where most of the crew were eating dinner, after they had come back from their run. They both made eye contact and then looked behind them, "I swear," Sam said completely out of breath clutching his hand to his chest, "these two, *inhales* they were running either side of me; 'on your left!' 'on your right!'. It never ends," he said then dropping to the floor to lie on his back, completely breathless. "I wasn't even running that fast!" Brooke said with ease and shook her head at Sam. Steve gave a small laugh while Sam just lied there catching his breath. "What's for dinner? I'm quite hungry," Brooke asked looking around at the empty plates. "Well Tony was in the shawarma mood so he bought a whole spit of lamb from down the street and hired one of the workers to make it for us," Bruce said, "brings back memories," he ended. "Yeah, let's not talk about it. Want some guys?" Tony asked standing up and gesturing to the spit and chef standing in the kitchen. "Yeah sure," Brooke replied walking over to the cook. "I'll get some when I can get up," Sam replied still lying on his back. "As much as I'd like to, I need to do some work, " Steve said before heading back to his room. Brooke watched Steve leave and walked over to where the Shawarma stood but just as she was about to ask for a serving, Brooke suddenly remembered that she had the files. She abruptly turned around and lightly jogged over to the rooms in panic. 

She tried not to make a sound as she approached Steve's room. The door was left slightly open and so Brooke peeked in through the gap. To her surprise, Steve had the files in his hands, perfectly stacked like nothing had happened. "What?!" Brooke shout-whispered. She turned around and walked over to her room and looked under her bed. The files were gone. Who took them? Better question; Who knew they were there? she pondered confusedly. Harvey. Brooke stormed out quickly in search of Harvey. He knew I needed those files so why is he taking them away?  Brooke asked herself furiously.

She had been storming around the facility in search of Harvey for a good five minutes but eventually she let it slide. She couldn't be bothered finding him and it didn't matter, she knew she could easily get them again. 

Brooke's p.o.v

I was on my way back to my room and I noticed that I was rather hungry so I stopped by the kitchen to finally eat some dinner. I walked into the lounge / kitchen and only the worker and I stood in the whole space. I was left alone. He gave a genuine smile and asked, "Vwhat is it you vish to have vis your lamb?" He had an extremely strong accent. "Errm, put whatever tastes nice, thanks," I replied back. I watched as he shaved the lamb and added green leaves, corn kernels and red vegetables to my meal. Once he had done, he placed it neaty on the plate in front of him. As I leaned over the bench to grab the plate of food he leant towards my right ear and whispered, "Hail Hydra," and walked out, avoiding my gaze, taking the spit with him. I watched him leave with my mouth wide open. He didn't look back to make eye contact or to say a word, he just left. Why didn't they attack? Something is up - and it's not just the ceiling. I suddenly lost my appetite for my food incase he had poisoned it or something so I walked over to the trash can and threw in into the bag. I placed my dish next to the sink and reached into the cupboard for a clean glass to fill with water. I gulped it down rather quick and I place the cup right next to my bare plate on the sink. I then proceeded to go to my room very cautiously and paranoid. 

I got there into my safe place one piece and I looked up at my clock on the bedside table to check the time; 7:15 precisely - still quite early, but there's not much to do. I decide to just relax for a while and read some more of the book Clint gave me. I'm really liking Annette's story. I grab it from the table next to my bed and I slump down and open up to the page where I left off.

I believe hours of reading have passed and now I'm only half way through the book. As I read on a certain conversation catches my eye, '"Soldiers. They are all trained the same way to get the same results for each member." Captain Manu said, "but why are we all being trained the same?" Annette asked keeping up her manly voice. "Because we have limited time and all we need now is troops not talent. We have an effective way of training men to be strong and worthy in our time provided." he replied sternly. "But sir, talent in a w-man might mean the difference between victory and defeat," Annette argued back. Manu huffed and continued to sort out the soldiers.' Talent might mean the difference between victory and defeat. Those words were then engraved into my memory as I thought about it more and more. I take my eyes of the page and look over to my window and the only rays of moonlight shine onto my bed. I give a big stretch and yawn then glance over to check the time my clock; 10:12. I've been reading for quite some time now and I think I should probably get some sleep. I turn of my light and my heavy eyes send me to sleep quickly and peacefully. 

*Brooke's dream*

Everything has become a flaming wasteland. Only debrie and fire are reflected in my eyes, that and the bodies of fallen people with blood covering their lifeless selves. Ripped Hydra flags are waving through the smokey air and I'm finding it hard to breathe. I look around and see the people who are dead, I recognise no-one until I hear a wheezy cough coming from behind me. I turn around to find Peter half dead. I shout out his name and run over to him. Before I can get to him Steve stands in my way, but it's not the Steve I know. He has the Hydra symbol on his chest instead of his star spangled uniform. "Steve, get out of the way!" I shout at him. He just stands there with his feet planted into the ground and displays an angry yet confused expression on his face, "Who the hell is Steve?" he asks. I feel my body lose all strength and there's a glossy sensation in my eyes. I look around and I start to see where I am. The concrete 'A' from the Avengers facility is sitting broken a couple meters from my feet. I start to recognise faces, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Fury, Wanda and Dr Strange. I can't believe this. I hear Peter's breath shudder as he gasps for his final breath, then comes silence. I feel so empty inside, like I've lost everything.......... except I can't see Harvey. I come to that realisation and I start to frantically sprint around looking for my partner in crime. When all hope seems lost I flop down onto my knees and I blame myself for what happened. I then feel a hand rest on my shoulder, "you have completed your mission. Congratulations Brooke," McCaucan said extremely pleased. He then called for me to come and follow with Steve following close behind. We trek around until we cross paths with Bucky and... Harvey! I walk over to stand next to him but he steps back, as if I were a complete stranger, "Who are you?" he asks holding a large gun steady in his hands. I shake my head, "I don't understand," I asked with a nervous laugh, "Oh, that's right. Everyone you love got brainwashed. They don't remember anything and soon, neither will you. Wachen! Nimm sie weg!*," McCaucan shouted as three strong males pick me up from behind. I'm so furious that I start to kick and punch the men who were carrying me but I didn't do anything to stop them. Steve, Bucky and Harvey stare at me blankly. Now I feel like I have lost everything.

*End of Dream*

*Guards! Take her away! - but in German (I'm sorry if that is incorrect, I don't know German)

Update: I just discovered that the German in this was incorrect and I apologise deeply. Yeah I'm sorry. If anyone knows the real German please comment it! K byee

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