~ Chapter 20 ~

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A/N - As you can see, I'm not dead! I have returned and I have a chapter for you. Enjoy cause I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again. Also I love reading your comments 😄😄😄

~ Shield Social ~

Brooke's p.o.v

"Hopefully we don't get another Ultron out of this party," Bruce sighs while in the elevator.

Almost everyone was already up at the party but Bruce needed to make some final adjustments to my suit before tomorrow. I was too distracted to pay attention to what he added.

I look up at Bruce with a crooked eyebrow, "Ultron?"

"He was a robot that tried to eliminate the world but he's gone now," he answers my curiosity calmly.

I tense at that reply. Being associated with the Avengers is dangerous.

"Right," I reply, sucking in a breath to calm myself before we arrive.

We soon heard a ding and the doors open. Half the room turned to look our way while others were too drunk to care. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ears out of habit then take a timid step out. I spot Steve in the crowd and walk over to him - he's like a father figure to me.

"Steve," I say, getting his attention.

He turns around and looks down to my eyes. He looks proud and I get this weird, tingling feeling in my spine.

"You look gorgeous," he compliments while gesturing at me.

"Thank you," I reply with a wide smile. I'm not used to compliments, "hope we aren't too late," I say, hoping to strike some conversation.

"No, it's just started. Some of the agents got here far too early and had a few starter drinks," he chuckles while looking over at Tony hanging with Thor.

Thor seems totally fine but Tony is struggling to stand upright. I snort at the sight.

"Hey Brooke!" a voice shouts from behind.

I already know who it is.

"Excuse me, Steve. Ayyyyyyeeeeeee," I say pivoting on my heels and holding out finger guns to my friend.

"How are you Peter?" I ask, walking towards him.

"I'm damn excited. Tony actually let me attend the Avenger's party!" he replies with thrill in his voice.

I laugh at his excitement. He's like a little child that got told they were getting a new toy.

My eyes wander away from where I am and find their way to Harvey. He's standing near the counter all dressed up. He wore a navy blue shirt with green lines that intersected to make squares. He beautifully models black jeans and stunning black sneakers - not formal but better than casual.

"I'll see you around, Peter?" I say though it sounds more like a question.

"Yeah sure."

My legs carry me over to the counter and I stand behind Harvey thinking of possible ways to greet him.

"Mblergh hello!" I shout while dropping my hands onto his shoulders.

He jumps and I giggle.

"You're so annoying," he says, smiling.

"Aww, thanks man," I rejoinder, "so what drink are you getting?"


"A classic, I'll have one too," I call out to the bartender who happened to be Natasha.

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