Chapter twenty-three

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Chapter twenty-three:

After the many hugs and 'we've missed you so much!' From all the candy people, I finally made it to my room. Sighing I shut the door behind me. It's been a long day, considering it took me forever to get out of the grasp of the little children.

I wish everyday could be like this. But unfortunately, it can't. Life is like a roller-coaster that never ends, leaving the ups and downs of everyone's life.

Something shuffled over to my left and I looked up from the floor to see a figure sitting in a chair in the dark room. But once the person made eye contact, I knew exactly who it was. The red eyes gleamed happily as his white teeth glimmered in the faint moonlight.

"Gumball... the Litch. He's gone." He looked down and picked up a bag. Marshall threw it over and it landed at my feet with a thud. Gulping, I bent down slowly my hand resting on the string. My hands shook violently as I pulled slightly. A horrid smell penetrated the sweet smelling air.

Out came a head rolling out of the bag. Sweat dribbled down my forehead as I looked closer. It was the Litch himself. I looked up at Marshall in horror and stood. Backing away slowly, I never broke eye contact with him. His red eyes gleamed with mischief.

"What.. What did you do? You could have gotten yourself killed! why-" I was suddenly pushed up against a wall, Marshall's body firmly pressed against mine. "I'm glad to see you still care.. " Marshall's voice cracked as his eyes glazed over with lust.

He moved closer and his lips connected with mine. I showed no attempt to move away nor did I think of moving away. My Marshall is back, and no one can take him away from me.

Our breaths became more rapid as he kissed hungrily down my neck to my chest. Ripping the buttons off with his teeth, he continued down leaving love bites in the kisses place. I moaned, how I've missed Marshall. I missed him so much.

Marshall suddenly stopped and pushed away. "Marsh?" Sadness swarmed over me. He shook his head closing his eyes as he clenched his fist against his sides. "I feel so dirty... The things I'm doing to you.. Just remind me you don't deserve me. You deserve better!"

My heart skipped a beat as I watched Marshall slump to the floor. "W-what do you mean?" I moved closer, kneeling by his side. "I've..." He paused, and looked up into my eyes. "I've done things with Fiona. She.. Brainwashed me into thinking you didn't love me anymore. Saying you never love me.. And the bad side of me agreed. And let's just say I slept with her many times.."

He looked away, tears trailing down his pale face. "Marshall.." I just sat there. Stunned by the fact I didn't even think once that Marshall was being controlled. I just thought he was turning his back away from me, rejecting me. I was too distracted by love. And all I did was worry about myself.

Shame on me. I took my hand and gently put it on Marshall's chin forcing him to look at me. "But I will always love you." Marshall smiled and leaned in. Picking me up, he led us to the bed. "Good, because I plan on not losing you again." He nibbled at my ear and made his way to my mouth.

I'm so glad I have my Marshall back.

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