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I live a decent life nothing to complain about. I lived with mum, my older sister Kiara who was 22 and my younger brother Kieron who was 19 years old. My dad moved out when I was 18 after finding out he was cheating on my mum. Mum wasn't having it at all and even now he's still trying to get her back. My names Kiyah and im 20 years old. Im in uni studying criminology and criminal justice and was in my second year as I took a gap year after college. I didn't have much of a love life a few guys that were interested but nothing really struck me about them. My mum was from jamaica born and bred and came to london when she was 12. She wasn't strict on us how her parents were on her so we never really had to hide anything from them. Dad was never strict neither he was a big teddy bear when it came to his kids especially now that he messed up. His parents where trinis but he was born and bred in South London...

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