Chapter Eighteen

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Jinx POV

"Meet me? What does she wanna meet me for?"
Kiyah asked looking hella confused.

Me and Kiyah were out for dinner and I was explaining to her everything that happened with Bria when she came over.

"Thats what I'm saying theres no reason for you to meet her personally." I replied.

"Well at least not for right now." Kiyah said which surprised me.

"What do you mean not for right now?" I asked now confused.

"Well even though I'm trying my best not to judge but I feel you cant just see your child once and demand what starts to happen maybe when you and her and even her and Mya have a better relationship I should meet her but other than that I think right now it is a little bit unnecessary."

"I think you meeting her at any point is unnecessary to be honest" I told her.

"Well thats a bit unfair Marcus don't you think?"


"Because imagine she has someone in her life that would eventually be around Mya wouldn't you want to know who he is?" She said trying to reason with me.

I thought about it and I wouldn't even want another man to be around my child at all so I can see where Bria is coming from but it's her fault that me and Kiyah are even together anyway. Don't get me wrong I'm happy I found Kiyah and no other woman could take her place but if Bria never did what she done I think me and her would still have been together till this day.

"Mmm. Well can we focus on us anyway this is our time." I said trying to change the subject. Talking about Bria was starting to irritating me.

"You're right." She agreed.

"How have you been other than that whole situation?"

"I've been cool Ki, you know me. How's your week been going?"

"Im fineeeee. Talking about my week my aunt is having her 50th birthday bash next saturday and I was hoping you'd come" she said pleading with me.
I laughed.

"Why you asking me like that you know I will come" I replied chuckling.

"Cause I have a lot of family and they're all gonna be there. I didn't know how you felt about that."

"Naa I'll be cool. You already know I'm used to big families you know how big mine is, plus your main family like me anyway so I should be calm" I reasoned.


For the rest of the night we ate, drank and just had a good time enjoying each others company. After we had finished we were both tipsy and really wasn't ready for the night to really end.

"Why don't we just get a room" Kiyah said giving me a look knowing exactly what she meant.
"You sure?" I said
"Yesss Marcus. I got my stuff with me anyway."

Anonymous POV

"Yh I've got my eye on them now."

"What does she look like is she pretty?"

"She bare pretty Bria, I've told you this already."

"I'm sure she ain't all that."

"She is I can't lie."

"Whose side are you on? Cause right now you're annoying me" she said sounding frustrated.

"Come on you know I've always had your back but you need to stop sounding like you're worried who this nigga is with! You're with me now no?" I said pissed off.

"You're right I'm sorry babe. It's just I need to get this over with I need my baby to be with me. I'm her mum not her!"

"Don't worry baby we'll get her back and when we do we'll be a proper family" I smiled thinking about it.

I finally have the girl I've always wanted. My so call friend Jinx knew I had my eye on her back in college but he decided he didn't care and stole her from me anyway but now it was time to finally get revenge and take back what should have been mine and that was Mya.

The chapter is short guys because I'm on holiday but I wanted to give you guys a little taster for whats about to come. I also wanted to say thanks for all the commenting I like that you guys are enjoying thanks so muchhhh!

Please comment and vote my loves x

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