Chapter Four

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Jinx POV

"Daddy where are we going?"
"I told you it was a surprise mymy" I chuckled shaking my head at her. This girl was so impatient just how her mum was.
"Are we going to the park?"
"No something better than that."
"You'll see soon baby" I said as we pulled up outside better extreme. Shes never been to a trampoline park so she looked confused at the building. I parked up then jumped out the car to go and get Mya out her booster seat at the back. I locked the car doors and we started to walk towards the building. When Mya realised what it was her eyes lit up.
"Daddy are we going to play in there!?" She said pointing towards the trampoline court.
"Yeah baby"
"Yaaaay" she smiled with all her little teeth.
I laughed. I loved seeing my daughter happy.
I finally got to the tills and paid and got our jump socks and wrist bands. We went to put our stuff in the lockers and waited till it was our time to go in. It was a friday after school times so there were so many people in our session running around mad. Mya ran straight to the trampolines and started jumping up and down.
"Come daddy jump with me." I got on the trampoline next to her and started to jump. I had a horrible feeling in belly when I started to jump, it was the same feeling I had when I go on rides. I believe my feet should stay firmly on the ground but you know anything for my baby girl.
"Daddy can I go on that" she said pointing to something where I see kids jumping of some high thing into the foam pit. I swear these kids are brave I know I ain't jumping off that shit.
"Yeah come on."
We continued to jump until our session was over. We was both hot sweating. We got our things out the lockers and started to get ready to go.
"Ooo daddy look slush puppy"
"Want one baby?"
"Yes please" she said showing her little teeth.
We went to wait in the que and in front of us was this yute with what seemed like his girlfriend and child. I sometimes envied this. I wanted the same for mymy. She should have access to both of her parents not just one. I dreaded the day she would ask about her mum because I'm not gonna lie to her but yet the truth would probably hurt her. Bria was the first girl I ever loved, well thought I loved. When she did what she did it made me hate her. How can you just leave your seed and not even try and get in contact with them. It just didn't make sense to me. Bria would have loved to see mymy now she was such a character and so beautiful. She looked a lot like her mum.
"Daddy I want my slush puppy mixed" Mya said snapping me out my thoughts.
"Whatever you want mymy."
We got our slush puppies and started to head to the car.
"That was so fun daddy can we go back again and bring Tyson?"
"Yeah we can come back and bring him another time."
"Ok daddy" Tyson was one of my cousins sons him and Mya were the same age and were close.
I strapped Mya up in her booster seat and hopped in the drivers side and headed back home.
Kiyah POV

It just hit 10pm and was happy work was now finished. That 1-10 shift dragged today. At least I'm going home with £25 pound tips today. I loved my job it was easy just taking bets and getting free money from nice customers for no reason.
I walked to my car and connected my phone to the bluetooth and start blazing out Young MA's freestyle to I get the bag. This was currently my favourite tune at the moment I always had this on loop.
I was singing word for word when my song was interrupted by someone calling me.
"Yoo" I heard Marcus sexy voice pouring through my speakers.
"Can't get enough of me can you" I said joking.
He chuckled. "Suin like that." I just laughed.
"What are doing tomorrow evening Kiyah?"
"Nothing why?"
"I wanna take you out. Get to know you more."
Something inside me jumped for joy when he said this. I really did wanna go out with him and see what he was about.
"That would be nice." I replied blushing. Thank god he couldn't see me.
"Good. So if you text me your address I'll come and pick you up around 7:30."
"Okay. But wait where are we going like do I wear heels? Flats?" He laughed
"Ermm put on some heels. Yeah you looked nice in heels the first time I met you." He said it as if he was thinking back. I thought that was so cute.
"Thanks" I said shyly.
"Your welcome. Anyway I've got to go now but I will see you tomorrow."
"Alright see you tomorrow."
"Bye." With that we hung up. Gosh now finding something nice to wear too. Im gonna need mum and Kiara to help me.
I was 5:10pm and I just got home from getting my eyebrows threaded, toes done, nails infilled and getting an infill on my lashes. I hated going somewhere when my nails, lashes and nails weren't looking nice. Especially since its my first time out with Marcus. I didn't want him to think I couldn't keep up with myself.

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