Chapter Twenty

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Before I start this chapter I just want to thank everyone for the love I've been getting for this story. Love all you guys!!

Bria POV

He really thinks I'm about to kill my childs father to be with him?

I thought chuckling to myself. I just need his help to get this bitch Kiyah out the picture so me, Marcus and Mya can be a happy family like we were supposed to be before my family messed it all up. I knew he would help me he's always had a thing for me since college but Marcus got to me before he did and I knew he was pissed about that.

Now I know of Kiyahs whereabouts every second of the day Im definitely going to get her and get her good. She thinks she can take my place as a mother to Mya but I'm going to make sure that definitely can't happen. Marcus still loves me, I know it and once that bitch is out the way he will definitely want me.

Jinx POV

"My guy Jinx unah" Ramz said as I entered Dee's front room.

"Yesss wagwarn." I said spudding the mandem that was there.

"Long time no see, mans ditching the squad for Kiyah unah" Ramz said laughing.

"Blud I saw you last week" I replied.

"You already know them man are gay they wanna be on your sacks 24/7" Dee said making everyone laugh except Ramz.

"Man defo aint gay, your mum knows about me definitely" Ramz joked.

"Yhh and your sister defo knows about this dick!"

Everyone laughed.

I went to sit down and realised all the mandem weren't there and this was unusual normally we are all here when we linked up.

"Yo wheres Clicks?" I asked.

"I ain't seen my man in time and when I call him he just sounds hella bookey on the phone" Dee replied.

"Yhh big man ting. I called him the other say and he was acting shifty" Ramz added.

"Ahh maybe suins going on with his family or suin" I suggested.

"Maybe" Dee responded.

We all been chilling at Dee's house for a while before I got a sale. I got up to spud the mandem then left. I jumped in the whip and then headed to hit my sale.

Whilst driving my mind drifted to Mya. Wondering if she was okay. I let Bria take her for the day so they could bond a little more in their own. Mya seems to be liking Bria but I think she favours Kiyah more and I don't think Brias happy with that but thats her own fault to be honest.

I pulled up to my sales yard and called him to let him know I was outside.

Soon enough Byron came down and sat in the passenger seat.

"Wagwarn Jinx."

"You good yeah?"

"Yhh man just living"

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