Chapter Eleven

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Kiyah POV

Me and the girls have been in Jamaica for 5 days now and we sure have been living life. Me and Marcus have been good as ever and the flirting and teasing has been non-stop. He's really making me want him but I have to stay strong, I just can't be giving it up like that but boy is it hard.
Yesterday night we all went out to the town cause there were a few parties going on and when I tell you me and Marcus was whining up so much that I can tell you his member definitely ain't small. I'm just glad we was out cause I may have lost all self control.
I've been spending a lot more time with Mya too, shes such a beautiful child with a great personality. She makes you want your own little creation.
Today was Alanas wedding and she had invited us to the reception at 4pm but since we had the whole day free till then me and the girls decided we'd head to Dunns River Falls today. It wasn't far from the hotel so it didn't take long to get there.

We sat down with a big group of people waiting for our guide to come and help us climb the falls. There were so many different people with different nationalities and different accents around. At that moment I thought to myself no matter where you come from everyone loves coming to Jamaica.
Jade was talking to me and Shayna as we were waiting and I couldn't help but see eyes on me from the corner of my eyes. I turned to the right of me to see some boy with the most impeccable body I've seen piercing his eyes into mine. I looked right into his face and he winked which made me feel so uncomfortable I had to look away. He was nice looking but at the moment I only had eyes for Marcus.
Finally our tour guides came and greeted us and we started to walk towards the beginning of the river which started on the beach.
"Oh my fucking god! Kiyah! You did not tell me we had all of this to climb" Shayna moaned.
"Its not that high trust me" I replied.
"It really is. I'm scared now" Shayna said nervously laughing.
"Naa its calm Shay I've done it before" Jade said.
A few minutes later the whole group were climbing up the rocks in the river. The water was so cold at first but I got used to it.
"This actually ain't bad when you're doing it but looking at it is fucking daunting mate" Shayna said chuckling.
"Told you" Jade said.
We were climbing for a while when we got to a part where it was sort of like a swimming pool and the tour guides told us we could stop and take pictures if we wanted too. Me and the girls took a couple pictures of all of us and also single ones that we could pick up at the end of the tour.
Shortly after we continued to climb the rocks in the falls and got to the end. It really was fun especially doing it with my girls it was like a team building experience.
Most of the group were around for a little bit in the river before we headed back to get out stuff to leave. Me and the girls were taking more photos in the river before we left just incase the ones the tour guides took didn't come out right.
Jade was taking a photo of me whilst I was sitting on one of the rocks posing when I see the boy from earlier who winked at me standing behind her looking at me.
"Doing up model yeah" he said. From there I knew he was from London due to his accent.
"Of course she is don't you see my friend is fire?" Jade said.
"Yeah I can see that still" he said licking his lips staring straight at me. This made me feel so uncomfortable I got down and was ready to go.
"Can we go now" I said looking at Jade and Shayna.
"How can you leave when you haven't even given me your number?" He said. I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk off with Jade and Shayna but I felt him grab my arm. I looked down at his hand on my wrist then looked straight in his face and I think he read my mind there and then because he let go straight away.
"I'm sorry, let me start over again. Hi my names Darnel and I think you're very beautiful and would like to get to know you better and was wondering if I could get your number please." He said with pleading eyes. Darnel was very good looking and had a really nice body but all I could think of is Marcus.
"Thank you Darnel but I don't think that would be a good idea" I said giving him a small smile.
"Why do you have a man or something?" He questioned raising his eyebrow. Yes.
"Not exactly" I replied.
"So then you're doing no harm giving me your number then" he said smirking. I thought about it Marcus wasn't my man and it was not like I was trying to be anything with this Darnel guy so I didn't see the harm. He definitely was not getting my number though.
"Fine but you can have my snap not my number." I said sternly.
"Fine by me." I gave him my snap and then me and the girls started to walk back to the lockers to get our stuff.
"Girl he was cuuuuuuooote" Shayna said extending her words.
"He really was but he ain't got nothing on Marcus" Jade said.
"Yaa damn right about that" I replied.

Share my life
Take me for what I am
'Cause I'll never change
All my colors for you
Take my love
I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are
And everything that you do
I don't really need to look
Very much further
I don't want to have to go
Where you don't follow
I will hold it back again
This passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide
Don't make me close one more door
I don't want to hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you

The sound of Whitney Houston was playing whilst everyone watched Alana and Kevin take their first dance at the reception. It was so beautiful watching them enjoy each other and indulge in one another's love. They made true love look so easy. I looked to the right of me and Marcus was staring at them with a smile on his face. It was nice to know that he was happy for his mum and step dad. Many boys would not be too happy about their mum marrying another but she's lucky she has raised an understanding son.
The first dance was shortly over and lots of people went onto the dance floor to get the party really started. Jade and Shayna were on the dance floor as usual whilst me and Marcus were sitting at a table together.
"That was so beautiful man" I said cooing.
"That could be us one day if you play your cards right." He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes.
"Aha you wish" I replied chuckling.
"I do" he said looking dead into my eyes. We were staring at each other for a while before I looked away. He always says little sweet things that have me acting shy around him.
"What cat got your tongue" he said laughing.
"No" I replied rolling my eyes which made him laugh.
"Come Kiyah lets dance" he said pulling me to the dance floor.
For the rest of the night we all dance away and celebrated the marriage of Alana and Kevin and it was a good night. I got to meet nearly all of Marcus family and they were all so lovely. Jade and Marcus cousin Kadeem seem to be having a good time together. They was flirting all night long. They were even grinding on each other on the dance floor and I'm sure they nearly made nana Ivy sick lol. By the end of the night everyone was licked and the reception was in our hotel so it was easy for everyone to get back to their rooms. I was so tired I needed to lay down but Jade and Shayna were ready to still party and went down with the rest to the club that was in the hotel whilst Marcus took me to his room because he was tired to and said he didn't want to leave me in my room alone. Yeah right.
"Wheres Mya?" I asked as we walked to his room.
"She's with Kevins mum in there room with Rene shes good for the night."
"Ahh ok." I felt the alcohol making me weaker as we was walking his room. It hit me there and then and I had to stop walking.
"Whats wrong?" Marcus asked looking back.
"Can I go on your back I'm tipsy and walkings too much right now" I said chuckling.
"Yeah go on" he said laughing. I hoped on his back and buried my head into his neck.
"Mmmm you smell good" I said sniffing his neck which made him laugh.
We finally got to his room and he put me down when we got to the door so he could open the door and we went in.
"Do you have something I can sleep in?" I asked.
"Is this okay?" He picked up a t-shirt of his that was big enough to cover my body. I nodded and took it and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.
Once I was done I saw Marcus laying in the bed so peacefully snoring lightly. I giggled at how cute he looked and took a picture of him and sent it to him. I got in the bed with him and cuddled close up to him and kissed his lips.
"Goodnight Marcus."

Sorry for the long wait guys I've been so busy! Hopefully another should be out soon.
What do you guys think about Kiyah giving her snap to another boy? Shes single isn't she?

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