Chapter Six

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Kiyah POV
It's been two days since everything happened with Marcus at his house. The morning he dropped me home I felt so embarrassed of what had happened. The alcohol really took over me because that was not like me to let anything sexual happen on the first date. I know he was just pleasing me but I was still embarrassed cause it made it look like I was easy and I'm not that girl. He had been calling me a lot yesterday, but I did not feel to speak to him right now.
"Earth to Kiyah helloooo" Shayna said waving her hand in my face snapping me out of my thoughts. We were at her house cause she wanted me to help her with some outfits for Jamaica seen as we were going in a few weeks.
"Huh yeahh sorry."
"Are you alright Kiyah? You seem a little off today" she had a very concerned face.
"It's just the whole thing with Marcus, I feel embarrassed I keep thinking about it. He was calling yesterday and I keep ignoring the call cause I don't know how to talk to him without being awkward."
"You really like him don't you Ki, awwe" she cooed.
"I do, but now I think I've messed it up and made him think I'm somebody I'm not by moving too fast."
"Girl that boy do not care. You said he was calling you and by the sounds of it, it was multiple times, so he does not care he seems like a nice guy and really is trying to get to know you right. You even said how much of a nice guy he was so why you stressing?"
"I duno man I just feel dirty." Shayna laughed.
"You know you aren't dirty girl. What you need to do is talk to him and just let him know how you feel so he can tell you exactly what I'm telling you. Stop ignoring his calls too he probably stressing out thinking I ate the bitch now she just tryna bounce hall nawwww" she said in an American accent which made me laugh.
"Alright I'll tell him but if it doesn't go well Shayna I'm blaming you."
"It's gonna go alright man stop stressing and help me with these outfits" she said picking up a bunch of clothes out of her waredrobe.
I was at home chilling in the front room with Kieron watching some of the old series of one on one. I had no work today and now uni was done it was one of my days to chill out.
"This show really needs to come back on it used to be lit" I said.
"This and my wife and kids needs to come back those were both my favourite shows on trouble back in the day."
"They really was" I said in agreeance with my brother.
When we finished watching the show I went in the kitchen to season some lamb chops I took out earlier and left to wash. I seasoned them and put them in the fridge to marinate for a couple hours before I started cooking them. I then went upstairs into my room and went on my tablet to do some more shopping for Jamaica. I first went on Pretty Little Thing and ordered some cute day time tops as well as a pair of shorts, a few dresses and about 4 pairs of sunglasses seeing as I had none at all. I then went to look on Missguided for a few things. As I was scrolling through the site my phone started ringing. When I saw 'Marcus' pop up on the screen my heart started to beat faster. I didn't know whether to answer it or not. I then thought I can't just keep ignoring him so I picked up the phone.
"So you finally answer" he said chuckling.
"Sorry I've just had a lot on my mind."
"Do tell."
"Erm it's abit you know embarrassing" I said quietly.
"I won't judge Kiyah you can tell me"
"Err..rm well. It's just that what happened between us the other night I didn't really want it to go like that. I think the alcohol played a big part in it I'm not normally that type of girl and I don't want you to think that I'm just easy and fast and I feel like I may have left you thinking that." I said so fast opening my eyes when I finished letting out a sigh. I heard silence for a little then I heard a small chuckle. Was he really laughing? I didn't find none of this funny at all.
"So that's why you've been ignoring my calls huh? Kiyah you have to chill out I know you're a good girl trust me. I don't think any less of you because of what happened. I wanted to please you. Good girls get good things." When he said that I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt so much better now I knew how he felt.
"Thank you." I said quietly
"Thank you for what?"
"For not thinking any less of me."
"Like I said Kiyah I know you're a good girl."
"How do you know that."
"I have my sources" He said chuckling which made me laugh.
"Whatever. Anyway what you doing?"
"I'm just chilling with my daughter which brings me to what I was gonna ask you. Did you wanna come over and chill and then later me, you and my daughter can go out to eat or something?"
"You want me to meet your daughter?" I said dumbfound. He just chuckled.
"Yeah why not. So do you wanna come."
"I would love to but I'm already gonna be cooking at home today."
"Ahh okay that alright maybe another time then" he said sounding disappointed which I hated to hear.
"But I tell you what you and your daughter can come over here and chill instead and you guys can have some of the food I'm cooking."
"Really?" He said sounding surprised.
"Yeah course."
"Mmmm cooking for me and my daughter I like." I laughed.
"Whatever. When you coming?"
"I just got to get Mya ready and then I'll message you when I'm leaving."
"Alright let me know"
"Alright bye beautiful" Awwee I thought in my head.
"Bye." I hung up the phone and looked at the time. It was now 1:18pm. I just chilled watching a few things on youtube before getting a text from Marcus letting me know that they were leaving. I was nervous to meet his daughter. I know we've met each other before but not properly. I wonder how she will react to me when it's just us three. I decided to get up re-washed as I only washed the night before. When I got out the shower I re-brushed my teeth, creamed then put on some deodorant. I put on a pair of leggings and a nike hoodie as I was just staying in my house. I was debating whether to take my headscarf off and do my hair but I really couldn't be bothered. I hoped Marcus wasn't bothered because I could not be bothered to slick this head of mine at all. I started to do some tidying up around the house and waited till they came.

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