Chapter Seventeen

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Jinx POV

Today was the day Mya was finally gonna meet Bria. She was coming to mine to spend the day with her. I didn't really want her at mine but because I don't trust her and I know Mya wouldn't be fully comfortable around her straight away so I wanted to be around and I definitely weren't going out into public with Bria. My mum was against her coming to ours but once I explained my reasoning she understood.
I really wanted Kiyah to be here but she thought its something that me and Bria needed to go through alone with Mya which was true and I understood once she explained that to me.

"You excited to see your mummy baby?" I asked Mya whilst Shanice was doing her hair. She didn't answer she just shrugged her shoulders, which made Shanice and me look at each other.
"You okay My?" Shanice said crouching down to her level.
"Yes aunty" she answered sounding down.
"Whats wrong baby?" I asked as I bent down to her level.
"I didn't know I had a mummy." Hearing her say that really confirmed that Bria's actions had a big impact on Mya whether she was young or not.
"Baby everyone has a mummy and even though yours has not been around she does love you remember what I told you okay" I said kissing her on her forehead.
"Okay daddy" she said in the same mood. I hated to see my daughter being down. Theres something about having a child and whatever their emotion is exactly how you feel because theres such a deep connection.
At that moment the door bell rang letting me know that Bria was here.
"Let me talk to her quick" I said to Shanice indicating to her to keep Mya until I came back. She nodded and I headed downstairs to find that my mum had already opened the door.
Bria saw me come behind my mum and a look of relief came over her face like my mum was giving her a hard time.
"Aye mum let me chat to her quick" I said walking out the door and shutting it slightly.
"Hey" she said quietly.
"Let me just get straight to the point. If you're gonna be in my daughters life be in it physically and emotionally don't be a pop up mum. If you're not sure you can handle that leave now" I said firmly staring her dead in her eyes. She didn't break eye contact which made me think she was serious about this but then again she's let me know I can't trust her.
"I'm gonna do right this time Marcus."
"Aight come in" I said opening the door.
"You can wait in the front room." I told her.

She went into the front room whilst I went to go and get Mya.
"Baby your mummys here." She smiled and hopped off the bed and walked over to me and I picked her up and put her on my back. Me, Mya and Shanice made our way downstairs. As we entered the living room Bria looked uncomfortable as my mum was giving her a scowl. Bria turned towards us and saw Mya and her face lit up instantly.

"Baby look theres your mummy" I said as I put her down.
"Hello baby girl" Bria said getting up giving Mya a hug. Mya hugged her back and looked happy as ever. Thats all I ever wanted for my daughter was to be happy.

Kiyah POV

"Bisssssh you should have went, she could be trying to rub up on your man and everything" Shayna beamed.
"With Alana and Shanice both there? I don't think so. Plus I trust my man and he needed to do it on his own me being there would have just complicated the situation" I said reasoning with her.
"What you really mean is if she said anything out of line towards you, you would have tumped her down" Shayna said laughing.
"That too." I said laughing. I was explaining to her the whole Bria situation and that Bria was supposed to be seeing Mya today. Im glad Marcus finally let her see Mya because despite everything a girl needs her mother. Although I didn't personally know Bria I feel like everyone deserves a second chance at some point in their life and I definitely wasn't going to judge her from just what I've heard.
"Girl I'm just glad you're this happy." Shayna reminded me which made me smile.
"I am I can't lie. I can actually see him in my future him and Mya. I never thought I'd go for someone with a child." I said smiling think about Mya.
"Girl me neither you was the one out of us three that would always be like, I want all my family with one man and all his family with me" she said mocking me. I laughed at her cause that was actually true.
"I know but when you find a man with a kid as good and lovely as Mya you'll fall in live with her like shes your own."
"Awwwwwww you've change! Love it!" She said with excitement which made me laugh. I thought about it and I have. I'm such a better person when I'm with Marcus. He makes me so happy and even the people around me can see it. My dad wasn't so fond of Marcus at first but once he saw how happy I've been I think he warmed up to him more.
"Can we get something to eat I'm hungry!" Shayna whined interrupting my thoughts.
"Yeah come on girl" I said getting up.

Jinx POV

It was about 7 in the evening and Mys was getting tired so Bria helped to bath her and put her to bed. I was ver surprised at how good of a mother she actually was to Mya. Throughout the day you would have never thought this was the first time they had actually seen each other in 4 years. It was a good day although Mya kept asking for Kiyah and I could see Bria had figured out who Kiyah was and seemed uneasy.

Mya had gone to sleep and now I was walking Bria to the door.
"Don't you think I should meet this Kiyah girl" Bria said sarcastically.
"For what?" I answered rudely.
"Well shes around my daughter a lot from what it seems so it would make sense I know what kind of people you have around my daughter." I couldn't actually believe what was coming out of this useless woman's mouth. I had to laugh.
"You just came back into Mya's life and you think you can call any kind of shots?" I chuckled.
"Shes my child" she responded.
"Well You wasn't acting like it for the past 4 years."
"Well I'm here now and now I'm here I would like to meet this girlfriend of yours." I chuckle at her jealousy.
"Ok so say you meet her then what?" I asked her knowing she wouldn't have an answer. She stay quiet.
"Exactly now bye Bria" I said opening the door.
"Just think about it Marcus" she said walking out with me shut the door behind her.

Soooo sorry for the long wait guys exams are finally done and I hope to be uploading more regularly.
Sorry for the spelling mistakes didn't proof read this one!

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