Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey guys I know I know you guys have been waiting I'm sorry😭 life just gets in the way but I've made this chapter long for you guys. Thank you for the continuous reads and support I love you guys!!!!

Jinx POV

"Did you want anything to drink hun?" Kiara asked me.

"Naa I'm good thanks."

"Alright I'm downstairs if you need me she should be here soon."

"Thanks Kiara."

I had to do it. I had to pop up on Ki since she wasn't answering my phone calls. I missed her and I can't lie this was my fault so now I have to make it right.

After waiting for what seemed like forever I heard Kiyah and Kiara talking downstairs before I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs.
She peeked her head through the door and gave me a small smile before she came in.

"So you're just popping up on me now?" She said giving a slight chuckle.

"Well you weren't answering my calls"

"I know. I was still mad at you thats why."

"I get it. Im sorry tho babe, honestly. I shouldn't be taking things like that out on you or making you feel like I still have some kind of care for Bria cause I can promise you it weren't like that."

"Well you defo made it seem like that."

I know we wasn't on the best of terms right now but my girl looked sexy standing there 'mad' at me with her arms crossed. I just wanted to pick her up and give her a taste of something real quick.

"Why you staring at me like that?"

"Cause you look sexy when you're mad at me."

"Im not even mad at you anymore Marcus, I missed you."

"I missed you too" I said grinning off my gums.


"Honestly where are we going?" I asked Kiyah.

"Flipping hell you're impatient Marcus."

Tomorrow was me and Shans birthday and Kiyah was 'surprising' me today since tomorrow my mum wanted to do something with me and Shanice both.

"Naa I just like to know where I'm going. I don't like surprises too tuff."

"Can you just sssssh and enjoy. Thanks."

I held my hands up surrendering and let her continue to drive wherever she was going.
After about 10 more minutes driving we pulled up to some big ass posh looking hotel.

"We staying here tonight?"

"Yeahh." Kiyah replied smirking.

"I aint got no clothes tho you should have told me babe."

"And you should know that I'm always one step ahead. I packed you a bag boy."

"Ohh cool. Thanks."

"Come on lets check in."

Kiyahs POV

After checking in we went up to the room and it was really nice. It was a advertised online as a five star hotel and they really was. They had some many nice restaurants downstairs to choose from, a heated pool area, complimentary massages and so much more.

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