Chapter Twenty One

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Jinx POV

I just finished bunning my spliff in my garden when I heard the door bell ring. I looked at my ice on my wrist to check the time. She's just on time I thought to myself.

I made my way to the front door and was greeted with my mum at the door letting in Mya and Bria.

"Hey baby girl." I said to Mya.

"Daddy!!" She said as she leaped in my arms.

"I missed you"

"I missed you too. Mummy said maybe next time you can come." I looked up remembering Bria was there.

"Maybe. Mya go with Grandma upstairs to get ready for bed okay."

"Okay Daddy." With that she jumped down from my arms and followed my Mum up the stairs.

"Come in the kitchen let me chat to you for a second." I said to Bria as I walked into the kitchen. She followed behind and leaned her back on the door frame with her arms crossed.

"What's this I'm hearing about you and Clicks being seen together? What, you lot together or something now?"

"What? Together? No." She said looking like she was guilty of something?

"So what was you two doing together in Tesco?"

"Ahh he saw me on the way out and was just helping me with the bags Marcus thats it." By the look on her face I knew it was more than that but I wasn't going to press her about the situation now. I'll get to the bottom of it another time.

"Alright cool."

"Why do you care anyway? You have a whole new bitch."

"Watch your fucking mouth don't be calling my girl no bitch" I said feeling myself starting to get angry.

"Well thats what she is. Only BITCHES come around and try to steal people's family from them." As soon as she finished her sentence I took a tight hold of her neck.

"What did I just say about calling my woman a bitch!? The only bitch around here is you! She didn't steal shit from you, you didn't want to be a family! DO NOT test me today Bria I'm not the same guy I used to be with you believe me."

"Im sorry just please let go Marcus." She said with tears running down her face.

After giving her a hard long stare I let go of her and she caught her breath.

"Go say bye to out daughter and leave." With that she slowly trailed out the kitchen and after about 5 minutes I heard the front door close.

Bria was already pissing me off the fact she was lying about the Clicks situation but ontop of that she wants to be calling Kiyah a bitch? Not my woman.
Thinking of Kiyah I wanted to give her another call but I really should let her cool down before I try to ring her again.

I went upstairs to check on Mya and saw that my mum had already put her to sleep which was great cause lord knows how tired I am. I went to my room and changed out my clothes and bunned a spliff I had pre-rolled then fell asleep.

Kiyah POV

"Has he tried to call?" Shayna asked me.

"Yeah but I didn't pick up."

"You can be sooooo stubborn sometimes you know Kiyah." She laughed.

"You would be too if you saw how he spoke to me. He needs to have a likkle time out and reflect on his actions."

Although I did want to speak to Marcus and just be wrapped up under him I did need him to understand that I'm not that kind of girl you can speak anyway to and it be alright. He needed to have time to clear his head and I was definitely giving that to him.

"Im sure he's reflected on them enough Kiyah. Just answer his calls."

"Mmmm" I replied to her fully knowing I was not going to answer them for now.

"Anywayyy girl! What you wearing to him and Shanices surprise party?" Shayna asked.

"Im not even sure to be honest. I know I have to look so nice though. It's defo gonna be a dress and heels."

"Yesss gyal! You better have a tight up dress on so Marcus will be loving you all night!" She said laughing which made me laugh.

"Girl you're too silly."

"Im joking you know Marcus will love you with a black back on anyway."

"Probably." I said agreeing.


Me and Shayna had met up with Jade when she finished work and decided that we was gonna have a little girly meal.

"We might aswell just go TGI's I could do with some of their cocktails after that shift." Jade dramatically said.

"Come on then."

We got to TGI's and got seated and was having a look through the menu.

"Im hungry for so much food right now" I whined.

"So am I" Shayna said agreeing.

"Isn't that one of Marcus friend over there walking out with that girl. Ooo I didn't know he had a girlfriend." Jade said

I spun my head and looked at the two walking towards the door and to my surprise I saw Clicks and Bria walking out together.

"Oh my god! Thats Mya's mum and the friend that I was telling you guys about to why me and Marcus was arguing."

"Naa thats so foul. They proper left south too tryna act like no one can catch them."

"Init proper sneaky bastards." Shayna said laughing

"Before I didn't care but now I just feel like how can you do that to Marcus. His own friend you know. So fucked up." I said as I sat there and thought about it.

Soon enough we had finished up in TGI's after a girl catch up. I dropped my girls home and then headed back home. I wanted to call Marcus and talk out the situation and decided when I got home I would do just that. I hated tension between no matter how stubborn I was.

Sorry guys I know its been a while and theres not much in this chapter. Been super busy. Thanks for everyone still showing love! Make sure to Vote!

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