Chapter Ten

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Kiyah POV

"I don't know which one to wear" I whined looking through a few swimsuits.
"They're all banging. You will never look shit in any so just hurry up and pick one Ki we're ready to go" Jade whined.
"Fine" I replied rolling my eyes.
I picked out a baby pink bandeau bikini with frills around the top and bottoms. I threw on my baby pink mesh cover up and a pair of havaianas. I put on my shades and picked up my beach bag and told the girls I was ready.
Walking down to breakfast we took some snaps seeing at it was our first full day in Jamaica and we was excited for the rest of our holiday.
We entered the breakfast buffet and I realised there was even more to choose from then last night at dinner.
"I'm gonna get fat here" Shayna whined.
"I've been thinking that. The food is too hard to resist" I replied.
"All the alcohol as well man gonna give us little bellies" Jade said.
"Its true man! Oh well we need to live our best life out here." Shayna said twerking making me and Jade laugh.
"Your so dumb" I said.
I walked around stuffing food on my plate and went to get another plate for some fruits. The fruit that were in the hotel we so fresh and much better than the ones back home in England.

I found Jade and Shayna sitting down indulging in their breakfast.
"I see you two are stuffing yaaa faces." They both laughed and rolled their eyes.
"What are we doing today?" Jade asked.
"Just chilling in the day catching the sun and that then hopefully later we find one two party party" Shayna responded.
"Yeahh foreal we need some bashment in our lives" I said.
"Maybe we should invite Shanice, Marcus and them sexy cousins they have" Jade said laughing making me and Shayna laugh.
"No please, this girl is always looking at man" I said laughing.
"Listen I ain't had no man inna my crutch since Michael so lowe me!" Jade said making me and Shayna roll our eyes. Michael was Jades old boyfriend of 3 years. They were together from college and then she found out he cheated on her and was in a whole other relationship. Me and Shayna thought that he was the best boyfriend ever and couldn't believe what he did cause it was unnoticeable he treated her so good. He really is the true definition of a fuck boy. He was obsessed with trying to get her back popping up on her, he was psycho if you ask me.
"Don't even mention that niggas name" Shayna said.
"Foreal" I agreed. We continued to eat our food in a comfortable silence.

I was so full after I finished eating my food and the fruits as well. My belly felt like it was about to pop and I felt the niggeritus coming on. I tried to ignore it because I am not wasting any time sleeping on this holiday.
We finally got up and went to the pool area and found a spot, layed out our towels and put our stuff down and layed down for a bit
"This is what I'm talking about! Chilling by the pool and sun, ahhh this is all I need in life" Jade said inhaling the clean air.
"Well right now I need some rum so who's coming to the bar" I said laughing.
"Look at you its only 10:05 and you want to get drunk already." Jade said looking at her watch.
"Shes tryna get confident for Marcus" Shayna said smirking which made me laugh.
"Not even I'm just tryna live my best life in this sun" I replied.
"Ooo lets all go to the bar Shayna they may know where to get some bud from." Jade said getting up putting back on her flip flops. Shayna hopped up as well as we all made our way to the bar that was nearby the pool. There was a bar in the pool but we wasn't ready to go in just yet.
"Good marning ladies what can I get you?" The bartender asked.
"Can we have 3 rum shots first please then I'll have a rum punch please" I said smiling at him.
"Shots yaa nuh. Shes tryna get us licked before lunch time" Shayna said laughing then Jade following.
"Err can I have a rum punch as well please."
"Make that three rum punches please" Jade said
"Alright ladies" the bartender said as he went off to make our drinks.
He soon came back and we took our shots and I instantly felt it warm my chest cause it was wray and nephew which is so strong. I took a sip of the rum punch and that was so strong. At that moment I knew I was about to be drunk for the day.
"Do you know where to get any weed from" Shayna asked the bar man.
"Yeah how much yuh wan?" He replied.
"Well I duno how you lots money and measurements work out here." Shayna said.
"Just gimmie a fifty dollar and I'll give you girls a nice likkle piece still."
"Okay one second" Jade said as we got up and walked back to the pool beds to get money.
"Fifty dollars is less than a pound you know he better not bring back no grain." I said.
"Naa I bet it will be a lot every things cheap here." Jade said reassuring me.

Turns out $50 buys you way more than enough weed for the whole holiday and we definitely weren't complaining.
"Where Marcus and them?" Shayna asked looking at me.
"I duno I don't keep tabs on him that nuh my man" I replied.
"Well you should cause what the fuck is that" Jade said pointing over to something. Me and Shayna followed our eyes over to where Jade was pointing to and my face turned into an instant screw.
I saw Marcus talking to some girl a little too close looking like they were flirting. I know he's not my man but you are not about to just be on the same holiday as me and talk to girls right in front of my face thats hella disrespectful. She was pretty but nothing special.
"Let me not even say anything cause really and truly he's not my man."
"He may as well be from time he was nyaming your crutches" Shayna said laughing.
"Psssh. Make him stay there with her anyway. I'm not even gonna say nothing to him but when I start enjoying myself with other man we will see how he feels." I said taking one last look at him. He caught me staring and smiled and waved at me. I returned with the most unenthusiastic wave you could imagine then pulled my shades of my head and put them on. I could see his face looked confused but at that point I really didn't care.
"Talk to him Ki cause I can already see you assuming in your head." Shayna said making me roll my eyes.
It's been a few hours since I saw Marcus with that girl. Him, Shanice and some of their cousins have been chilling with us in the pool for a while now and we were all getting turnt smoking and drinking. The   entertainment team at this hotel were always lit and we were playing a lot of games that included alcohol so best believe the pool area was full of drunk people.
I was still slightly pissed off at Marcus but I made a mental note that nothing will ruin this holiday for me. He's spoken to me and can probably tell I'm acting a little off but I really don't care.
"You okay Kiyah?" Shanice asked snapping me out my thoughts.
"Yeah Im good."
"You sure? You look like you've got a lot on your mind."
"Yeah I'm good I'm just waved" I replied chuckling.
After that I left the pool to go toilet. When I had finished in the toilet I saw Marcus standing outside looking like he was waiting for me. I tried to walk past him but he stopped me.
"Kiyah whats wrong did I do something?"
"Kiyah come on, if I've done something to upset you I wanna know." I thought about it for a second and really and truly I didn't really give him a chance to explain himself at all. I also thought about me having no right to be angry because I'm not his girl but still. I sighed and started to explain.
"I know I have no right to be annoyed but it did annoy me earlier when I saw you with that girl. It's like how can you be talking to a girl flirting like that right in front of my face like I found it a bit disrespectful." After I let it all out I felt much better that I weren't holding it in but it was pissing me off that Marcus was standing in front of me smiling like I just told him a joke.
"What the hell are you smiling at? Do you find me feeling some type of way funny? This is why I don't catch feelings for niggas, you niggas aint sh-." Before I could even finish my sentence Marcus had pressed his soft lips against mine and starting kissing me. At first I was confused and didn't kiss back but then it started to feel too good not to give in. I opened my mouth slightly allowing his tongue to slide in and play with mine. As soon as I started to get carried away he pulled away leaving me speechless.
"You was talking too much" he said smirking.
"Now before you get jealous that girl was trying it with me but I wasn't giving her the time of day. I told her I had a girl." When he said that I wanted to smile so bad but didn't want him to know I was happy.
"No, you're not my girl but its okay to be jealous that lets me know we are on the same page." He said with a smile which made me give in and smile.
"Are we good now?" He asked.
"I guess so" I replied.
"Good, now don't be acting like that with man again before I have to spank you." He said pinching my bum.
"Marcussss, don't do that in public" I said hitting his arm which made him laugh.
"So what I can do that in private?" I didn't reply I just smiled at him and jumped on his back and with that we headed back to the pool.

So sorry for the wait everyone have had so much stuff to do. Hopefully I'll be back with another chapter very soon.

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