Chapter Nineteen

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Kiyah POV

I tossed and turned till I realised there was no way I was going back to sleep. I woke up with a disgusting headache and couldn't remember much from last night except asking Marcus to get us a room which was clearly the alcohol talking. From what I could clearly see we definitely weren't in a hotel, we was at his house.

Once I realised he wasn't in the room I got up to go and take care of my hygiene. I went into his bathroom and began to brush my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth I heard the door open and saw Marcus standing in the door frame.

"Naa turn around I was enjoying that view" Marcus said licking his lips.

"You're so nasty" I said after rinsing out my mouth.

"I'm nasty? Miss let's get a room Marcus" he said mimicking me.

"Shut up I was drunk." He started laughing.

"I know, thats exactly why I took you back here. As soon as we got in the car you was out anyway."

"Oh my god, thats so embarrassing" I said laughing.

I walked over to Marcus and wrapped my arms around his neck whilst he slithered his arms around my waist. I went on my tip toes to give him a pick and he reciprocated my actions.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"Just to hit one quickly."

I didn't reply because Marcus knew I didn't care for his line of business but I'm not gonna bug him about it because I knew what I was getting into before I became his girlfriend. He said he was eventually gonna stop but god knows when that would be. Although I can't complain because he does put me before his money.

"You hungry Ki? Mums downstairs cooking nuff shit" he said chuckling.

"Mmmm yea lets go down you know I love your mums food." Marcus trailed to his door as I followed behind him downstairs.

We walked into his kitchen and his mum, sister, step dad and Mya were all there.

"Morning" I said walking into the kitchen.

"Kiyahhhhhhhhh!" Mya screeched as she ran and jumped up on me.

"Hows my favourite girl" I asked giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Go on tell Kiyah how naughty you've been" Shanice said to Mya making Alana and Kevin laugh.

"I didn't want to brush my teeth cause I was tired but auntie made me. She said if I didn't all the boys would run away from me" she said with folded arms.

"Yeah and thats what we want them to do Mya. We want all the boys to run away forever so don't listen to auntie." Marcus said giving Shanice a screw.

"When your childs teeth rots don't come to me unah" she shot back.

"My teeth not gonna rot auntie I promise I'll clean them everyday" Mya said with a big smile making us all laugh.

"Good girl."

"What ever you're cooking Alana you know I can't wait to eat it." Her food was too good and I loved it.

"Well at least someone appreciates my cooking" she said giving her husband a scold.

"What? I appreciate your cooking" he shoots back.

"Mmm" she replies.


"Is this cool to wear?" Marcus was asking me again after trying on about 5 different tops.

"Babe you're acting like a gyal, it's only a family party they don't care what you wear" I chuckled.

"I ain't acting like no gyal for one imma man a big man" he said scolding me.

"Yeah I know you're my big man" I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in and gave me a peck on the lips and I went in for a full on kiss but he pulled away.

"Kiyah I beg you don't start this now we're gonna be late" he said making me laugh.

"First of all its a party you can't be late and second of all since when do you turn down anything sexual?"

"Since I can't fuck you like I want to right now. You're even looking so sexy in that dress its turning me on I can't lie but I know you're trying to wait, I duno what for but I respect that so please stop making me horny" he said kissing my forehead and getting his things together. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Babeeee don't worry you soon get the goods but for now what I need you to do is come here" I said leading him over with my finger.

"What Ki? Im tryna get ready and you always wanna play games."

"You always wanna play games" I mimicked.

"Carry on you're about to get body slammed" he said chuckling.

"Body slam me then" I said in a seductive voice.

"Do you see what I mean ? Move from me with that little turn on voice" he said making fun out of it.

"Shut up" I said pushing him up to the wall taking control.

We started kissing and he slid his long arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My hand travelled down to his jeans and started to rub on his member that was printing through his jeans. He gave me a look as if to say stop but I didn't listen. I unbuckled his belt and got on my knees and gave him the time of his life.

"Im glad that's over with now I can finally eat" I said frustrated.

I had just finished introducing Marcus to a lot of my family and they were questioning him so much that it took so long before I could even get food and I was starving.

"Yeah can't lie I'm hungry too" Marcus replied.

We went over to where all the food was and started to stack up our plates with delicious food and then found a spot outside the hall to sit down.

"Mmm this jerk chicken is baddddd" Marcus said exaggerating his sentence.

"Where did you think I got my cooking from. My family can cook I can't lie about that."

"Yeah and that auntie Lisa you got can get it too."

I shot him a look and he started laughing.

"Don't be watching my aunties their big women for you." I said rolling my eyes

"And Imma big man, I can handle them" he said trying to annoy me.

"Mmm I wonder if you can handle the back of my hand thats about to come your way soon."

"Im joking babe. You know you're the only one for me" Marcus replied kissing my lips.

Anonymous POV

I've been watching Jinx and his new girl for a while now. I can't lie shes banging still. After I kill him I might just take her to be my bitch on the side. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Jinx and his girl come out his house.

I slid down in my chair to make sure they didn't see me. To be honest they was so into each other they didn't look like they were paying attention to anything that was going on around them. They got into his car and it took a minute before they finally drove off. I waited for 10 minutes to make sure that they were really gone before I proceeded to make my way to Kiyah's car.

I looked around to make sure no one was watching and set up the tracker underneath the back of her bumper just like Bria said to do. I double checked to see if anyone had seen me before heading back to my car. I picked up my phone and before I could call Bria she called me.

"You did it yet?"

"Yeah just finished."

"Good. She's definitely gonna have a rude awakening when my plan plays out."

Sorry I took soooooooo long guys but I'm feeling better and hope to be uploading much more frequently. Thank to everyone supporting this story I appreciate it. Its about to get juicyyy! Let me know how you guys feel and remember to voteeeeeee!

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