Chapter Twelve

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Kiyahs POV

We've been back in London for about two weeks now and things between me and Marcus were getting so much stronger. We haven't had sex yet but we were close many times but I always stopped it. He's been around my family a lot with Mya and they are getting so used to it they believe we're together even when I tell them we are not there yet. I've come to find out that he has a lot of ambition and he is not just one of your typical hood boys that sells drugs and that would have been his only goal in life. I found out he used to get into a lot of trouble before Mya was born and when he found out he was having a baby he gave up the whole road life and started to really focus on his education to make a better life for him and what he thought was gonna be his family, till Myas mum left. He still went uni even though he had to look after his daughter and he got his degree in business. After uni he was finding it hard to find a job due to his criminal record which is the reason why he's selling now. He said he couldn't depend on the government to look after him and his child and I respect that about him. He made sure Mya had everything and even tho he was dealing he gave her, his family and even me a lot of time and I respect him for that.
My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing. I picked it up and saw I had a snap from Darnel. I rolled my eyes and threw my phone down. He's been messaging me bullshit ever since I've got back from Jamaica and I've just been airing it because I'm not really interested especially the way Marcus is making me feel about him. Speaking of Marcus I wonder what he is doing. I picked up my phone and decided to call him.
"Yoo" I heard through the phone.
"Hey big head what you doing" I replied.
"One sec" he said as I heard him putting me on loud speaker.
"You're on loud speak so don't say nothing too naughty" he said chuckling. I scoffed.
"Whatever Marcus."
"Aha I'm joking but yeah, I'm just getting Mya ready shes going to stay at my uncle Remis for the weekend" he replied.
"I see. So what you got planned for this weekend then since you're free."
"Well I was gonna ask if you wanted to come down and chill with a nigga over the weekend." I started to grin so hard behind the phone. I loved spending time with Marcus we could talk for hours and hours about anything. There was never a boring time with him.
"That would be nice but I'd have to come down there tomorrow after work and then you'd have me for the rest of saturday and I'm off sunday" I replied.
"Ahh can't you come down tonight" he whined.
"Naa I can't you live way too far for me to stay and then get to work for 7:45 on saturday morning" I said.
"Rah what time you working till?"
"Ahh well I guess you ain't gonna be here too late then" he said.
"Naa I'll be there before you know it" I replied.
"Alright. Imma call you later tho Ki cause I'm gonna leave now."
"Alright bye Marcus."
"Bye beautiful." With that he hung up. He was so sweet always had me smiling or blushing. I can't wait to spend the weekend with him.

I just finished work and had gotten into my car and started my journey to my weekend with Marcus. I packed all my stuff already and had it with me so I could leave straight from work. I decided to call him to let him know I'm on my way.
"You alright Ki?" He said sounding like he was inhaling smoke.
"Yeah I've just left work and I'm on my way now."
"Alright how long you gonna be?" He asked.
"Probably about 50 minutes."
"Alright you hungry?" He asked.
"I could eat by the time I get there" I replied.
"Alright you wanna go out or take out?"
"I don't mind just take out."
"Alright babe we will order suin when you get here."
"Babe?" I said in shock.
"Yeah babe. Suin wrong with that?" He said knowing he was smiling.
"Nope not at all babe" I said sarcastically which made him chuckle.
"Your silly Ki. Anyway I'll see you inna bit babe" he said which made me laugh.
"Bye." With that I hung up and continued my journey listening to my playlist.

Jinx POV

I was chilling waiting for Kiyah to come through and spend the weekend with man. I liked her a lot and no doubt I was gonna make her mine. Shes that perfect girl that has it all and has her head screwed on and makes sure I'm always good. My family all like her and her family is cool with me and they love Mya which is what I need to come with my woman.
Just as I was thinking I was interrupted by my line ringing.
"Who's this?" I asked. I heard someone giggling on the phone and instantly knew who it was.
"Its Kiera babe. You got anything?"
"Yeah I'll be there in 10 and low all that babe shit" I replied and locked off.
Kiera was a girl I used to fucked till I found out she was a coke head. Since then I've kept her as a client and nothing else. She still tries it with man but I'm not really about no one except Ki. Especially a coke head.
I went downstairs put my shoes on and made my way to my car and went to Kieras.
I pulled up about 10 minutes later and text her that I was outside. Shortly she came out the house looking a mess as usual.
"Hey babe" she said leaning on my car window.
"What did I tell you bout that babe shit lowe alla dat" I said passing her her fix whilst she slid the money into my hand.
"Ahh come on Jinx we used to be close."
"Naa we was just fucking."
"You know we had more than that" she said rolling her eyes.
"You wish" and with that I sped off down the road heading back home.

I know it's short guys but I wanted to give you guys a little suin suin. The story may seem like its going slow but be patient got a lot in store for this story🤗

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