Chapter Five

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Chapter 5

Jinx POV

Kiyah was looking sexy tonight I can't lie. She had both men and women looking at her when she walked in the restaurant. I didn't even mind cause she wasn't paying no one any attention other than me. I was following behind her as the waitress showed us to our table. I was analysing her small waist and what lies below it. I licked my lips and thought damn her body is beautiful. She had thick legs that looked even sexier cause she had heels on. She had on them heels that showed girls toes which I found sexy on girls that had the right looking feet. Her feet were even cute and I weren't too fond of feet.
We finally got to our table which was a little table in the back of the restaurant so we didn't have to be so closed to everyone else in the restaurant. I pulled out her seat for her and she sat down whilst thanking me. I then sat down and was just staring at her beauty. I could tell she felt uncomfortable from me staring but I didn't stop.
"Marcus why are you staring" she said shyly.
"Your actually beautiful Kiyah I hope you know that." She looked down and blushed.
"Thanks your quiet handsome yourself." I laughed. The waitress came back over and gave us the food and drink menus to have a look through. We sat in comfortable silence whilst looking through the menus. After about five minutes of looking the waitress came back over.
"Are you guys ready to order yet or will you just be having drinks for now?"
"Can I have the garlic and lemon calamari for starter and a glass of passionfruit and pineapple wine please. Ill order my main after I have my starter" Kiyah said.
"Okay thats fine ma'am, anything for you sir?"
"Mmm can I have the fried garlic and honey shrimp please and scrap her glass of wine just bring the whole bottle and I'll have a double brandy and coke for now please" Kiyah looked at me and rolled her eyes playfully whilst I gave her a smile in return. The waitress left and Kiyah playfully screwed me.
"What" I said laughing.
"Who said you can change my order up." I laughed.
"I didn't really change it I just got you more."
"Fair point" she said looking defeated, which I found cute. The waitress came back with out drinks and poured Kiyah her glass of wine. We thanked her as she left.
"So what made you wanna take me out." Kiyah said whilst taking a sip of wine.
"Not gonna lie I think your nice and I wanted to know what you were about. In hopes of chances of building something." I was straight forward and didn't care I'm 22 years old with a beautiful 4 year old I have no times for games. She picked up her glass and this time took a lot more. She smiled and put her glass down.
"I would like that." Her saying that shocked me I can't lie I didn't expect that but at least we know we were on the same page. We were just staring into each others eyes deeply almost as if we were having a staring competition and I tell you I wasn't about to look away. I licked my lips which made her look away shyly. I chuckled.
"Do I make you nervous?" I smirked and she laughed.
"Well a little bit but thats only because your a new person in my life anyone would be nervous."
"So what you saying you want me in your life yeah?" I said being smart.
"Naa I didnt say that I was just saying." She smiled.
"So what you dont want me in your life naa Kiyah." She laughed.
"I cant win with you can I" she said rolling her eyes.
"Naa you cant." I said as she just chuckled to herself.

Kiyah POV

We had eaten our starters and ordered our mains which the waitress had just brought out. I had lobster with shrimp and spaghetti with some white sauce that was really nice. Marcus got sea bass with shrimp and mash potatoes. It sounds simple but it was nicely flavoured and the decor of the food was really nice. We ate in complete silence but a comfortable silence. Every so often Marcus would glance up at me and smile which warmed my heart. He had this effect on me already. This was so sweet. From what I've seen from him tonight I really do like him. He is such a gentleman. I can't remember the last time I had someone like this around, well thinking about it I haven't. I just knew there was something different about him.
After we finished eating I started to drink my wine quicker as I realised I had a lot left to finish.
We were looking through the menu trying to figure out if we wanted dessert.
"I don't think I could eat a whole dessert to myself I'm kinda full and plus I'm not really the sweet kinda guy." Could have fooled me I thought to myself.
"We can share because I don't think I can eat a whole one neither."
"Yeah thats fine. You can pick what we're having." He said.
"I don't know what you like though Marcus" I whined. He chuckled.
"I trust your judgement" he said staring into my eyes. Him staring into my eyes made me feel a little tingle down below. At that moment I diverted my eyes back to the desserts menu to avoid eye contact. I called the waitress over and ordered the creamy new york styled cheesecake slice.
Shortly she came back with the slice and two spoons. I went to pick up my spoon when Marcus took both the spoons swiftly.
"What you doing?"
"Let me feed you." He said in the most sexiest voice ever which had me feeling nervous.
"Cause I wanna feed you, can't I do something nice for you" I chuckled. I thought it was weird and didn't know if he was trying to treat me like his daughter or what but I ended up just giving in and nodding which made him smirk.
He took a bit of cheesecake on the spoon and fed it to me whilst slowly pulling the spoon out my mouth staring me dead in the eyes. That turned me on a little bit more. He continued to keep doing this until the cheesecake was done. By the end of it I was fully turned on a felt flustered. I can't believe he was having this effect on me. I never acted like this. I knew he knew what he was doing because he just kept smirking.

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