Chapter Thirteen

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Jinx POV

I was chilling in my room waiting for the pizzas me and Kiyah ordered whilst she was taking a shower. She claimed she takes a shower always after work but I know she was just tryna get clean for me. Let me not complain because I like my girls with good hygiene.
Interrupting my thoughts I heard the door bell ring. I went downstairs and opened the door and paid the man and took the food. I entered the kicthen and sat the pizza boxes down on the island and decided to go tell Kiyah the food was here.

"Ki the foods he-" I was lost for words as I saw Kiyah in nothing but a black lacy thong. She jumped and covered herself up quick time.
"Bloody hell Marcus don't you knock?" She said going red in her face. I laughed.
"Knock my own room? Naa I dont" I said licking my lips staring up and down her curvy body.
"Damn Kiyah I knew your ass was fat but I didn't know it was like that." She started to blush and giggle.
"Thank you Marcus but can I please get dressed now alone" she said adding emphasis on the alone which made me laugh.
"Iyte I'm downstairs babe" with thats I closed the door and went back downstairs.

Seeing Kiyahs body made me a little excited I can't lie. I can't wait to be up in her. Thinking about it was getting man horny I can't lie but I knew Kiyah wasn't one of them fuck any man kind of girls. I knew we'd have to be in a relationship before I got any of her goods and even then I think she'd make man wait. Interrupting my thoughts I heard Kiyah coming downstairs making her way into the kitchen.
"Ooo pizza" she said entering the kitchen doing a dumb dance.
"You're dumb you know that" I said chuckling at Kiyah.
"Yeah but you love it" she responded.
"I do?" I said with raised eyebrows smirking.
"Yup" she said smirking as she looked through the pizza boxes to see which one was hers.
"You're bold" I said laughing.
"Whatever" she replied.
"Where is everyone?" She asked whilst biting a slice of pizza.
"Mum and Kevin are away for the weekend and Shan's at work." She nodded as she acknowledged me.

Kiyah POV

Me and Marcus was full and decided to go back up his room to watch a movie. I wanted to watch set it off but he insisted we watch baby boy cause he hasn't watched it in ages so he says. I just let him get his way cause I didn't mind that movie.

We were cuddled up on the bed with my head on his chest with his arms around me and our legs intwined together. I felt so content when I was with Marcus and he made me feel safe with his big arms around me. His phone started to ring and he got up and went over to it.
"Yh what you want?"
"Cool, call me when your at the bottom of the road." With that he hung up and then he came back onto the bed and went back in the exact same position. He put his face in the crook of my neck and started to sniff around.
"What the hell are you doing Marcus you're tickling me" I said giggling.
"Sorry babe you just smell real good, turning a nigga on" he responded making me laugh.
"Well lets not start nothing we won't finished aye" I said giving his shoulder a pat.
"Wowww Kiyah did you just give man a shoulder pat like you just friend zoned me" he said laughing which made me laugh.
"No Marcus. I was just giving you a normal pat you know I'm not trying to friend zone you" I said rolling my eyes.
"Ayee don't roll your eyes at me mrs."
I rolled my eyes ones again and he began to tickle me which had me laughing trying to get free but boy was he strong. By now he was on top of me and had my arms pinned above my head with one of his hands whilst he tickled me with his free hand.
"Marcussss please stop...your gonna make me pee my self" I said between giggles. As soon as he heard that his eyes widen and he stopped instantly.
"Yeah I can't have you pissing on my bed can't lie" he said laughing.
"I should have done it and taught you a lesson" I said giggling.
"Then I would have had to give you a spanking Ki" Marcus said smirking right at me. I couldn't help but smile and play along.
"Mmm and what kind of spanking would that be?" I responded.
"One that would have you falling in love" he said as he bent down lower and started to kiss my spot on my neck. I let out a quiet moan and I felt him smile against my neck.
"So I finally found your spot babe" he said chuckling as he continued to kiss and suck on the side of my neck. I could feel the juices in my pants flowing and I felt his manhood grow bigger and bigger by the second against my pelvis which made me more hot. I can't lie the way I'm feeling I want him right now and don't care how I'd feel about it later. I removed his face from my neck and cupped his cheeks with my hands and pulled him into a kiss. I think he was shocked at first because I'd never been so dominating between the two of us it was usually him that does stuff like that.

We were kissing for a while till I felt his hand slide up my braless breast and grab hold of my right breast and start to caress it which led quiet moans to escape from my mouth. He then began to lift up my top and bring his head down to my breast and began to suck my right nipple as he played with my left. My moans started to increase and I couldn't control myself anymore. I was officially horny. Marcus slid my leggings off with the help of me and continued to suck my nipple as he slid his hands down into the front of my knickers. At first he was aggressive and grabbed my vagina which turned me on even more but he then became very gentle and began to run his finger down the slit of my lips and started to rub my clit. This made me gasp in shock and moan out in pleasure.
"Mmm you like that yeah babe" he said in between sucking on my nipple. I couldn't even respond back I just had to nod my head which made him chuckle slightly. He started to kiss down my chest whilst still rubbing my clit until he made his way down to my silky smooth freshly shaved vagina.
"I've been waiting to taste this again" he said looking up at me grinning. With no warning Marcus began to roam my walls with his tongue licking up down and all around. He flicked his tongue up and down my clit which drove me insane and my back arched in pleasure. It was so good I couldn't take it and tried to move back a bit but Marcus had his arms bolted down around my thighs so I couldn't escape his pleasure. He continued to flick my clit with his tongue and he slid in two fingers into me which had me let out a loud moan.
"Ahhh Marcuss your gonna make me cum" I said between moans. When I said that I felt him pump his fingers in and out of me faster and he continued to lick and suck me. My back arched as I felt my climax coming and I released all over his fingers.
"My god Marcus" I said as I put his pillow over my face embarrassed at how horny he had just made me. I heard him laughing.
"Why you embarrassed babe?" He said pulling the pillow away from my face smirking.
"Cause you make me you know, different" I said.
"You mean freaky" he said laughing. I hit his arm playfully.
"Its okay babe we all have our moments. That was nothing wait until you let me hit that." Him saying that sent chills down my back. Before I could even respond his phone started to ring and he answered it.
"Iyte cool one minute" and with that he hung up.
"Good timing he said looking at me smirking" I just shook my head at his silliness. He went into one of his shoe boxes and took out what I assumed was some kind of drugs and put it in his pocket.
"Ill be back back in a minute babe" he said kissing my forehead and headed towards the door.
When he left out I went into his bathroom and started to clean up myself. I thought about the events that just took place and thought this is gonna be an interesting weekend with him.

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