Chapter Two

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Kiyah POV

A few months past by and it was the last exam of my uni year and it went so well. Me and Shayna decided that we were gonna treat ourselves to a holiday shop after this exam. Me and the girls were going Jamaica next month in June and needed to start preparing. We both went to the same uni and studied the same thing so we had our exams at the exact same time. This meant I could have someone to exhale the stress of uni with. Jade went to a different uni than us and still had a week before her exams were done.
"Omg I can't believe we have like 4 months till we are back in this shit whole, unless we failed" Shayna said putting bad thoughts into my head. Even though I know I did well this did scare me but I wanted to stay positive.
"Gurllll! Don't even try scare me I think I done well.' I hoped I did.
"I think I did too but you know when you thought you did wicked and its like naaa bissh when ya grade comes back" Shayna said laughing. I couldn't even hold in my laugh cause it really was true.
It was only may however it was getting hot really quick this year. I was wearing blue ripped boyfriend jeans with a rose pink off the shoulder bodysuit that had a choker on it, with some lace up rose gold gladiator sandals. Shayna was wearing yellow fitted jogging pants with the matching crop hoodie with her low black and white vans. We looked really cute today I cannot lie.
We headed to the uni car park and both got in my white audi a1 which my dad had bought for me. I really did love my car and was so blessed for my dad even though I think he bought it to make me dislike him less but it worked.
"Where should we go Shayna? Stratford westfield or Bush one?"
"Hmmm let's go Stratford one cause they've got everything Bush one has and more"
With that we headed to our destination.
We were in Primark and they had so much cute stuff for holiday it had me and Shayna hypnotised.
"Omg, I'm loving this so much bloody stuff for cheap as well" Shayna said whilst looking through the rails.
"I know I feel like after here I wont need much more"
"Thats what you say now until we go into other shops" she laughed.
"True" I said thinking this is exactly what is gonna happen but I deserved to spend money I worked in Ladbrokes and I always got a good pay cheque from them. On top of that mum and dad still give all their children £100 each a month just incase and I just received my student loan not too long ago and the year was over so I had no more supplies I needed therefore I will indulge in holiday shopping.
I picked up quiet a few things for the beach such as cover ups and a bunch of bikinis. I also picked up a few halter neck crop tops they had in different colours. I got a few pairs of shorts, night time wear, bralets, underwear and accessories. When we were done looking in Primark we headed over to the tills and waited in the que.
"I cannot wait to be in Jamaica" I said thinking about all the sun and cocktails I'm gonna be taking in.
"Me neither I cant wait to bruk of my back" I laughed.
"It would be you to say that"
"Yeah I'm telling you Kiyah the parties out there are litttt."
"I know last time I was there I had soo much fun."
After we paid we decided that we wanted to eat something before we proceeded to shop as we were in Primark for a long time which made us peckish.
"What should we get?" Shayna said scanning the food hall.
"Lets just get us something quick like mcdonalds so we can get back to shopping asap."
We went to order our meals and then sit down to eat.
"I shouldn't even be eating this crap. I don't wanna put on no weight before holiday" I said feeling guilty.
"Yeah foreal but one meal won't kill us"
We finished our food and sat there for a bit to let the food digest.
"I need some new havaianas" I told Shayna.
"We should go Office after this then, they have them"
"Yeah let's go there cause I need some new sandals too. The only ones I have are these" I said showing her the sandals on my feet.
"I need to get some too all of my ones from last year are run down or just not cute anymore." I laughed.
"Omg look theres so much nice sandals Shayna. I don't know which ones to choose."
"Are you bringing the ones that you have on now?"
"Okay so remember you don't need that much just make sure you have flip flops, like 3 sandals and one pair of trainers just incase."
"Yeah thats actually a reasonable amount. So let me just buy 2 pairs of sandals." I said looking at sandals on the shelves. I picked up nice black lace up sandal and a tan pair that laced up my lower leg. I looked for someone to get the sizes for me and I saw a pretty black girl smiling at me as if she knew I needed help so she approached me.
"Hi you okay? Do you need help?" She said nicely.
"Yes please can I have these both to try in a size 5 please."
"Yeah sure. If you take a seat ill be right back. Is there anything else you wanted to try?" I looked at the shelve and saw another nice rose gold slide on sandal and asked her if I could try this too. She nodded and let me know she would be right back. Shayna was still looking she didn't know what she wanted. She only had a pair of havaianas in her hand same as me. Just then a little girl ran past Shayna and fell kinda hard at my feet.
"Omg are you okay baby girl" I said to the little girl as I helped her up whilst she cried.
"Baby I told you not to run." I heard a man with what you can tell was a stern voice but he'd softened it for this little beauty. I turned around and my eyes could not believe what they saw.

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