Chapter Sixteen

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Kiyahs POV

It was the morning after Myas mum showed up at Alanas house. When Marcus told me what had happened I didn't really know what to say to him. I just made sure that I was there for him emotionally. I knew it bothered him a lot because I felt him tossing and turning all night and I knew he didn't get no sleep. He was even supposed to take Mya to nursery this morning but I knew he was tired so I got her ready and dropped her off using his car.

I had got back from dropping Mya and everyone else had gone to work whilst it was just me and Marcus in the house. He was still sleeping so I figured I'd make some breakfast for him when he got up. I was so used to staying here and helping his mum cook that I knew where everything was by now. I went in the fridge and cupboards to see what I could make and pulled out some things to make a good english breakfast.

After I finished making my baby some breakfast I brought both of our plates up to his room and put them on his bedside table.
"Babe" I said softly moving him trying to get him to wake up but he was a heavy sleeper.
"Marcus. Marcus. Babe wake up." I said giving his lips a soft kiss which made him open his eyes a little.
"Babe are you hungry I made you breakfast" I said giving him another peck which he turned into a full blown make out session as usual. After that he sat up and rubbed his eyes whilst I sat the tray of food on his lap.
"Thanks Ki" he said in his sleepy voice. I just gave him a soft smile.
"Oh shit wait what time isit I need to take Mya nursery" he said jumping up looking at his phone.
"I took her already Marcus chill" I laughed watching him panic.
"You took her?" He said giving me a weird look.
"Yes I took her" I said. He shook his head which confused me and went back to the bed to eat his breakfast I made.
"Why are you shaking your head am I not allowed to take her or something?" I asked confused.
"Naa of course you can and I'm very thankful for that thanks babe" he said giving me a peck.
"Its just that little things like that are so simple mean a lot and Bria couldn't even look after her own daughter. Then she thinks it's okay to show up after 4 years and act like we can just continue where we left off at." I could tell he was hurt and angry, this girl must have really meant a lot to him at the time cause its rare I see Marcus acting how he was.
"Babe I've tried to keep my input out of it from when you told me yesterday but I can see how angry and hurt you are and sometimes holding all of that resentment towards a person eats you up more than you actually forgiving them. I understand what she done was wrong it was very wrong for you and for Mya. No child should be abandoned by their mother but at the end of the day she is trying to write her wrongs I know its 4 years late but it's better late than never right? Mya should be able to see her mother and know the truth about what has happened when she gets a bit older. You don't want her knowing that even though her mum did wrong in the beginning she tried to do right and you wouldn't let her. You don't want her to resent you for that trust me. If she doesn't want to see her let that be her choice. Don't let your feelings towards her affect their relationship." After I said what I said I could tell that Marcus was in deep thought cause he was quiet for while. It was an awkward silence whilst we ate our food cause he hadn't responded.
When we finished he had taken our plates downstairs and still not said a word to me. I heard him go in the bathroom I'm guessing he was going to deal with his hygiene.

Whilst he was having a shower I was updating Shayna and Jade on what happened with Bria.
"You may be right you know Ki" is all I heard from behind me. I turned around put down my phone and walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck whilst he wrapped his arms around my waist as he put his head in the crook of my neck.
"I know you'll do the right thing" I told him giving him a peck on his lips which of course he turned it into more.
"Im glad I've got you Ki. You help me out with a lot I can't lie. Thanks for that breakfast too but next time make sure I'm up and you're cooking in your birthday suit" he said licking his lips admiring my body with his eyes.
"Maybe I'll be able to do that for you" I said biting my lip.
"Mmm is that so?"
"Yeah babe" I said purposely brushing my hand against his now rock hard piece which made him throw his head back in pleasure.
"Kiyah don't tease me I know you ain't ready for all of this yet" he said playfully screwing me.
"Naa what you ain't ready for is this." As I said that I pushed him back on the bed unexpectedly and got on top of him and started kissing him passionately. At that moment I was so horny and wanted to fuck him so bad but I fought against it because I wanted our first time to be a bit more special. However, I was going to definitely show him some tricks I had up my sleeve to show him how much I appreciate him. I went down and started kissing and sucking on his neck whilst his hands were caressing my soft skin. I began to go lower to his left nipple and flicked my tongue against whilst unwrapping his towel and taking him all into my hand and stroking him.
"Shit Kiyah" he groaned.
Whilst stroking him I kissed all the way down to his groin. When I got there I switch my hand for my mouth and twirled my tongue around the tip of his penis that caused him to let out a hard breath. I then began sucking the best way I possibly could. I was sucking up and down whilst stroking him with my hand and by the manly groans and his breathing I could tell that he was loving it had that he was coming to a climax because his breathing was getting heavier.
"I'm gonna buss babe" he said trying to move me so he didn't buss in my mouth. Little did he know I was about to clean him all up just like he done for me. He bussed and did exactly what I intended on doing. His chest was moving up and down like he'd just ran a marathon. I got back on top of him and gave him a kiss and a cheek smile.
"That was too good for a beginner Ki" he said raising an eyebrow. I laughed.
"Well that's what porn is for, to learn how to please your man."
"See I knew you had to be watching porn you dirty girl, tryna get some ideas for when I finally blow your back out" he said joking which made me laugh.
"Nope, I've got them tricks already" I said playing along.
"You better with all this talking" he said putting his arms around my waist and rubbing on my bum.
"Foreal though you need to do that more often because that was...spectacular" he said trying to think of a word.
"Spectacular unah" I said bussing up.
"Damn right" he said laughing.

Jinx POV

I took Kiyah to get her car and she left to go work a while ago, so I have just been sitting here for a while staring at this piece of paper thinking about what Kiyah said. I wanted to call cause Mya did deserve to meet her mother even though she did us wrong but something was telling me deep down it wouldn't be a good idea.

Eventually I gave in and decided to call Bria. I took out my phone reluctantly and then dialled the number. I heard the line ringing waiting for her to pick up. It rang for a while which made me think she wasn't going to pick up so I went to cut the phone off but then I heard her voice.

"Hello" she answered.
"It's Marcus" I replied.
"Ohh, hey how are you" she said sounding surprised to hear from me.
"Good. I'm calling to talk about Mya. I've thought about it and I think it would be good if you and her met."
"Really? Omg Marcus. Thank you so much I don't think you understand how much this means to me" she said through tears.
"But let me tell you something Bria. This is a big fucking risk I'm taking after everything you've done to us, so if you're gonna be inconsistent with her let me know from now because that little girl is my life and I will kill someone who breaks her heart." I heard the phone go silent for a few seconds.
"I'm ready Marcus. I'm ready to be the mother I know I can be to my daughter."
"I hope you mean that."
"I do. I hope I can be the woman you need me to be too Marcus." I started laughing because I'm not sure what I had to do with her and Mya having a relationship. She really was delusional.
"Here what I'm saying, me and you have nothing absolutely nothing and never will have nothing. I'm with someone who treats our daughter like she's her own. Something you should have been doing from 4 years ago. I would never sabotage our relationship over a bitch that couldn't even be there for her own child." I heard her sniffles on the other side of the phone but trust me I had no sympathy for her whats so ever.
"I guess I deserve that. I just wanted to say that I really am sorry Marcus."
"Its a little too late for that. I'll be in contact" I said brushing her off and hanging up the phone.

That conversation had me agitated at the fact she thought me and her could get back to where we were. She must of thought I was the old Marcus that she had wrapped around her little finger little did she know her actions built up anger inside me towards her.
I sat there thinking about how I was going to explain this all to Mya. She's only 4 so shes not going to understand everything right now. I just hoped this was the right decision I made for her.

Just a little chapter for you guys. Please remember to vote guys!!!

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