* - _Three_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat ; Lovers

Wyatt; the fuk who's finn, child!?


Jaeden; yes my son who..


Sophie; The hell?

Jack; he's some kid who got my number through a fake one from a girl

Jack; and so he made worth out of it and made me his friend

Wyatt; Jack remember

Wyatt is typing

Jack; yeah yeah not to get myself hurt again

Wyatt stopped typing

Chosen; no but rlly Jack

Wyatt & Chosen; he was a dick

Jack; omfg ik

Sophie; just take this one carefully

Jack; wtf I haven't even seen what he looks like yet im I told u

Jack; im done with dating

Jaeden; U don't know that

Wyatt; son, don't sigh at your father like that

Jack; omfg

Jack; Wyatt are u like living in my attic?

Wyatt; maybe

Jeremy; he is

Sophie; JEREMY!

Jeremy; HEYY

Jack; well im going to check Finn's insta brb

Wyatt; gl son

Jaeden; ;)

Jack; and stop treating me like a baby

Chosen; never




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