* - _Twenty-Nine_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

MillieIsBitchin' made a new group and added NoAhSSnap, DadWyatt 7 more

Groupchat Macy Needs To Leave has been activated

MillieIsBitchin'; everybody set their fucking nicknames to whatever

NoAhSSnap; mines is fine

DadWyatt; ^

DudJaeden; ^

SinkSadie; ^

Sophia set Sophia to PrettyUgly

MillieIsBitchin' set PrettyUgly to MilliesPrincess

MilliesPrincess; oh ok

Chosen set Chosen to TheChosenOne

Jeremy set Jeremy to JerJer

Gaten set Gaten to GoatGaten

Gaten set Celeb to Roasted

Roasted; I swear to god Gaten i will murder you in your sleep

GoatGaten set Roasted to ClearlyCeleb

ClearlyCeleb; thank you

DadWyatt; lol

JerJer; lmao

DadWyatt; I completely agree

DudJaeden; She needs to leave

NoAhSSnap; She is so bossy

NoAhSSnap; like holy hell

ClearlyCeleb; She needs holy water

TheChosenOne; Jack is rlly not happy aswell

MillieIsBitchin'; Macy keeps calling him out like wtf

JerJer; one will not speak of her namw

MillieIsBitchin'; She*

GoatGaten; but just bc she isn't okay to call Finn - Finnie

DadWyatt; Because

DudJaeden; and Finn wants to get with her 😧😬

SinkSadie; witch is a no go

MilliesPrincess; ^^

DadWyatt; and the way she's treating Jack is a no go either doesn't help with past problem

MillieIsBitchin'; past?

MillieIsBitchin'; You mention that alot what do u mean?

NoAhSSnap; ^^

SinkSadie; ^^

TheChosenOne; Jack is never going to come out to you guys properly but we do have permission to tell you

JerJer; Wyatt no more dad time and

DadWyatt; certainly

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