* - _Forty-Eight_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; Hoes

OllySmoke; let me get this right.

OllySmoke; so Wyatt and Jaeden date and they are the fathers of Jack

OllySmoke; Because the care a-lot for him and have always babied him

OllySmoke; Correct?

DadWyatt; precisely

ClearlyCeleb; Its quite cool

ClearlyCeleb; I wish I had a dad

GoatGaten; ;))

ClearlyCeleb; daddy

SinkSadie; WOAH WTF!??!

MillieIsBitchin'; EXCUSE ME?!

JackieWacky; I SAY....WHAT?

ClearlyCeleb; yall need to calm

OllySmoke & DadWyatt; Y'all

NoAhSSnap; Goddamnit smh

OllySmoke; but you love me right?

NoAhSSnap; sigh ofc

OllySmoke; (:::::

MillieIsBitchin'; gasp is it official?

OllySmoke; unfortunately no

MillieIsBitchin'; Fuck

EwItsMeFinn; Same I was hoping so

MillesSlut; pm mills c:

MillieIsBitchin'; Oh, on my way

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