* - _Nine_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Sophia to Milliemills

Sophia; hi Millie

Milliemills; heyy how are u?

Sophia; im gud and u?

Milliemills; alright

Sophia; so word is around u beat Finn up with a pencil

Milliemills; haha yeah

Sophia; why lol

Millie started typing


Milliemills; he was saying stupid things to me I just got carried away

Sophia; haha well okay then

Sophia; other than beating Finn to death you had fun in school?

Milliemills; hah yeah no too many tests

Sophia; awh

Sophia; we barly get tests here

Milliemills; no fair

Milliemills; im moving to LA

Sophie; U wish ;))

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