* - _Thirty_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; Macy Needs To Leave

DadWyatt; Jack has gone out with a guy before

DadWyatt; he wasn't exactly the kindest person out there he hurt Jack a-lot emotionally and sometimes physically

DadWyatt; we had before witnessed him shouting at Jack and saying mean things but other things were behind walls

DadWyatt; It was never anything sexual

DadWyatt; but he did hurt Jack

DadWyatt; Jack soon came out about everything and of course I made sure he ended up in hospital witch he did

DadWyatt; but every since Jack hasn't fully recovered yet

MillieIsBitchin'; Let me send him back to the hospital for a second time plz

GoatGaten; ^^

NoAhSSnap; Im dangerous so ^^

SinkSadie; thats harsh

SinkSadie; I feel so sorry for him

ClearlyCeleb; im ready to make sure she fucking disappears

MilliesPrincess; we better just hope she or Finn haven't asked each other yet

JerJer; don't jinx it!

Groupchat; Hoes

EwItsMeFinn; I have somthin to tell you guys

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