* - _Fifty-Seven_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Finn was waiting in the park for awhile now

He was beyond pissed at Macy, he was going to break up with her

Finn looked up from the ground he was looking at his eyes went right to the girl heading towards him

It was Macy

"What took you so long?, I said ten minutes" Finn exclaims quite annoyed

Macy stopped walking and stood up straight in front of him

"I said I'd be here, so I am" She sighed

Finn rolled his eyes

"What you did is unforgivable, you treated my friends like shit behind my back"

Macy just gave Finn a dirty look

"Your friends are shit, I don't like em"

Finn was more pissed by this

"Well Macy, I don't like you anymore"

Finn gave her a dead stare he wasn't joking

Macy gave a confused look

"Where are you going with this?" Macy threw her hands up

Finn sighed

"We're breaking up thats what im saying"

Finn turned around and stated to walk away

"Really?!, because of your friends. You know that Jack is gay right"

Macy shouted

Finn gave her the bird

"Well I'm bi, bitch!"

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