* - _Seventeen_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; We are not hoes😏🙄

Celeb; so a girl today

Gaten; suddenly i wanna hear more

Noah; go on

Finn changed Finn to EwItsMeFinn

EwItsMeFinn; yeah Celeb continue pls mah man

Chosen; wtf finn

EwItsMeFinn; sorry dude

Sadie; this sink needs to be filled with answers

Celeb; asked me if I knew finn

EwItsMeFinn; me?

EwItsMeFinn; okay uh

Millie; ew is it Nacho Macy?

EwItsMeFinn; wtf Nacho Macy?

Millie; the name i made up of her

Celeb; i told her yes and she gave me this to say >>> im very sorry Finn about the whole fake number im not very good with guys but here my real number; 09897 6663

DudJaeden; wtf did she really??

DadWyatt; wow

Millie; ew Nacho Macy wants you!

Gaten; i wish u luck my man

EwItsMeFinn; ima go text the number

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