* - _Thirty-One_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

BbyWyatt to BaeJae

BbyWyatt; I had I really bad fucking time explaining that to them

BbyWyatt; it makes me just wanna punch his face in again

BaeJae; Wyatt is alright

BaeJae; he got what he deserved

BbyWyatt; but its not!

BbyWyatt; this nasty hoe!

BbyWyatt; MACY!

BbyWyatt; just some how pops up and is being such a bitch to


BbyWyatt; especially you and Jack its pissin' me off

JaeBae; I highly doubt they would go out if Finn was rlly that desperate

JaeBae; ...

JaeBae; what could Finn ever have news about

BbyWyatt; idk..

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