* - _Fifty-One_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; Hoes

EwItsMeFinn; Ughhhhhh

NoAhSSnap; Whats wrong with you

EwItsMeFinn; Im bored

NoAhSSnap; Well find something to do idiot

PrettyMacy; he's not an idiot -.-

NoAhSSnap; Sometimes yeah he is

PrettyMacy; wateves

MillieIsBitchin'; Sophia

MillesBitch; mhm

MillieIsBitchin'; go pm Sadie she has something to show you

MillesSlut; doing that

DadWyatt; is Jack here

JerJer; I don't think so

DadWyatt; where the fuck did you come from

TheChosenOne; he usually shows up if its important

JerJer sent a private message to MillieIsBitchin'; I guess the plan has been stepped back a little

MillieIsBitchin'; yeah Sadie has something to show us on the gp

MillieIsBitchin'; She's just showing Sophia

JerJer and MillieIsBitchin' are no longer private messaging

EwItsMeFinn; wtf.

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