* - _Seven_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*



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422 likes 32 comments

finnwolfhardofficial; whoops im hott

milliebobbybrown; no ur not

therealcelebmclaughin; ew Finn get help

finnwolfhardofficial; @therealcelebmclaughin @milliebobbybrown TRIGGERED

wyattoleff; are u sure?

jackdgrazer; I guess u are 😧😏

jackdgrazer; lmao

finnwolfhardofficial; @jackdgrazer
Gee thanks

lolagee; I'd date u anytime ;))

finnwolfhard; @lolagee I wouldn't

gatenm123; @lolagee lmao roasted

Groupchat; We are not hoes😏🙄

Finn; wtf u all telling me im not hot

Caleb; bc ur not

Millie; ^^

DudJaeden; yeah u look like a pile of sticks

Sadie; faggot?!

Finn; NO

Jack; yes

DaddyWyattMad; basically how Jack came out to us

Jack; lmao thats bc it is how it happened

Jack; kinda

Sadie; omfg how many of u have a little gay in u?

Sophia; Jack is 100% gay

DaddyWyattMad changed DaddyWyattMad to DadWyatt

Wyatt; bi

DudJaeden ; bi

Millie ; hey im bi too!

Jeremy; wow this is a basic almost gay chat

Noah; oh wow

Millie; NOAH

Finn; Scroll up to see

Noah; already did

Noah; nice to meet y'all im Noah

Sophia; awhh hey

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