* - _Thirty-Two_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; Hoes

EwItsMeFinn; I have somthin to tell you guys

Millie; Oh?

Noah; ^

Millie; okay this is annoying everywhere but here my nickname is MillieIsBitchin'

Millie; so that we know everyone is here lets put our nicknames in

PrettyMacy; i don't need to 😊

Millie changed Millie to MillieIsBitchin'

Noah changed Noah to NoAhSSnap

GoatGaten changed Caleb to ClearlyCeleb

ClearlyCeleb; thanks hun

GoatGaten; np

EwItsMeFinn; hun?

ClearlyCeleb; idk recent thing thats happened

Jack changed Jack to JackieWacky

Sadie Changed Sadie to SinkSadie

Sophia changed Sophia to MilliesSlut

MillieIsBitchin'; cOrReCt

PrettyMacy; uh

Chosen changed Chosen to TheChosenOne

DadWyatt; me and jae are fine

DudJae; ^

Jeremy changed Jeremy to JerJer

EwItsMeFinn; Alright the gangs all here

JackieWacky; now we can die altogether

EwItsMeFinn; No time for memes Jackie

JackieWacky; awh

JackieWacky; okay finnie boi

NoAhSSnap; tell us the news

EwItsMeFinn; So me and macy

PrettyMacy; were dating

DadWyatt; we're

PrettyMacy; fucking ofc

PrettyMacy; but yes we're dating witch means me and Finn ars a couple yay

EwItsMeFinn; Haha yeah

MillieIsBitchin'; inhales

TheChosenOne; ^

JerJer; ^^

ClearlyCeleb; ^^^

SinkSadie; ^^^^

MillesSlut; ^^^^^

PrettyMacy; actually weirdos especially you Jack

Read by JackieWacky and MilliesSlut

MilliesSlut took a screenshot

PrettyMacy deleted a message

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