* - _Sixty-Eight_ - *

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Groupchat; We Need Nolly and Galeb

SohpiaAAA created a groupchat and added SinkSadie, EwItsMeFinn and 6 more

SohpiaAAA; ;))

MillieIsBitchin'; YESS BABY WORK IT

EwItsMeFinn; did you know that Galeb is having a sleepover right now?

JackieWacky; AwhwhwhWhwh

EwItsMeFinn; u kay?

DadWyatt; You okay*

JackieWacky; yeah fanboying rn

SinkSadie; im hopping on these ships and I'll drown with them

SinkSadie; all that agree say 🗡

JackieWacky; 🗡

Sent 3 minutes ago

EwItsMeFinn; 🗡 toke me forever to find

JerJer; 🗡

TheChosenOne; 🗡 same

EwItsMeFinn; Jack wtf do you have that emjio in your recent

DadWyatt; 🗡

DudJaeden; 🗡

JackieWacky; 🤷‍♀️

SohpiaAAA; 🗡

MillieIsBitchin'; 🗡

MillieIsBitchin'; okay everyone agrees

SophiaAAA; let's get these couple of new ships on the road and put that other one behind schedule

JackieWacky & EwItsMeFinn; what other ship?

DadWyatt; don't worry sons, nothing important

EwItsMeFinn; sons?

DadWyatt; son*

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