* - _Sixty-Seven_ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Goat to Burnt

Goat; get yo ass out of bed

Goat; and get outside because we going to starbucks with my daddo

Burnt; you changed my fucking name again!

Burnt; but okayy

Burnt; i need to make a good impression on your dad...lol
*Message not sent*

Real life

Caleb finished putting on him t-shirt that spelt N.E.R.D on the front.

He picked up his phone and quickly looked at the chat between him and Gaten, realising the last message didn't go through

he deleted it

He sighed going down stairs grabbing him blue jacket

"I'm going to Starbucks, bye!"

Caleb held onto the door handle waiting for a reply

"With Gaten??, oohhh"

Caleb's face got red, he opened the door quickly leaving with a quick "BYE!"

He ran down the steps heading towards Joe's black car

Gaten was waiting outside he was wearing a black hoddie that said 'night' and ankle jeans with a pair of converse

"Hey, nerd"

Caleb shook his head

Gaten opened the door and Caleb climbed in and sat down putting it seatbelt on

"Safety first" Charlie said with a laugh fixing his blue hoodie

Caleb looked at Charlie

"Thought only one of your dads were coming, Gaten"

Gaten hit Calebs arm

"I thought so to"

Joe put his white hat on and started the car up getting ready to get moving

"What, am I not allowed to bring my boyfriend if I want too?"

Charlie shook his head

Joe made a face "what!?"

Caleb and Gaten just laughed

"Where is the cat anyways?" Caleb asked looking around

"Cage in the back" Joe replied simply

Gaten turned towards Caleb

"Watcha gettin'?, a pinkity drinkity?" Gaten poked Caleb

Caleb glared at him

"You'd be the one to get that thing, James Charles"

Gaten just smirked

"Naw, that would be me" Joe butted in

Gaten and Caleb looked at Joe and back at each other and again laughed


"Pinkity drinkity!" Joe shouted as he parked the car in a random carpark they found

"I wanna get fries from McDonalds now" Gaten sighed

Caleb hummed in response

"Isn't that good enough for you, Starbucks?" Charlie looked at Gaten through the mirror

Joe grabbed Charlie's hand

"Fuck you, both McDonalds and Starbucks" Joe said waving around Charlie's hand

Charlie used his free hand to give him the bird

"Yeah yeah, love you too"

Gaten layed his head on Caleb shoulder while sipping on his drink

"Caleb" Gaten looked up to Caleb


"Stay at mines tonight"

Caleb nodded "sure"

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