* - _Twenty-Eight_ - *

3K 122 112

*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; F00k Nach0 Macy

EwItsMeFinn; I wanna let Macy meet you all

Jackie; oh

DadWyatt; Does that mean I can fight a hoe?

EwItsMeFinn; No

DadWyatt; aw

DudJaeden; its okay

Chosen; hurry up i wanna leave

EwItsMeFinn; Calm

EwItsMeFinn changed the groupchat name to Hoes

EwItsMeFinn added PrettyMacy

Millie; PrettyMacy?

PrettyMacy; I set it as that

PrettyMacy; now

PrettyMacy; im Macy the pretty one

Millie; uh Im millie my gf is Sophia

Sophia; Im sophia dont mind me

PrettyMacy; ok i won't

Noah; im noah short and dangerous

Chosen; im Chosen now im leaving bye

Gaten; Gaten rrrr

Sadie; Sadie and im just a sink

DadWyatt; Im Wyatt im a dad along with Jaeden

DudJaeden; hola amigo tes Jaeden

Jackie; Jaeden never again do that

Jackie; nice to meet you Macy im Jack 👌

PrettyMacy deleted a message

PrettyMacy; hm nice to meet u all

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