* - _Fifty _ - *

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*Warning; Swearing*

Groupchat; Operation Fack

MillieIsBitchin'; Im done fucking around lets get this show on the road

NoAhSSnap; I was about to fucking say!

NoAhSSnap; all Finn ever does is talk about her when he pms me for FACK SAKE

DadWyatt; Yes ik Jack has recently been down aswell

PrincessSophia; Thats why I suggested that we do it now to Mills

SinkSadie; I think we should add Olly maybe he could help

GoatGaten; and so that he understands

DudJaeden; Yes!

NoAhSSnap added OllySmoke

OllySmoke; what is this?

ClearlyCeleb; Scroll up my friend

OllySmoke; I'm in.

MillieIsBitchin'; Alrighty

MillieIsBitchin'; Princess just send in thag screenshot and let it play from there

PrincessSophia; on it, Captain!

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