* - _Sixty-Five_ - *

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Groupchat; Hoes

DadWyatt; what came first the chicken or the egg?

DudJae; Wyatt..why?

EwItsMeFinn; holy shitto

EwItsMeFinn; u rite

EwItsMeFinn; What did come first

OllyBeSmoke; You right*

DadWyatt; You right*

EwItsMeFinn; ffs

JackieWacky; what came first the adult or the baby

DadWyatt; Shit, my son is smart

MillieIsBitchin'; Indeed he is

NoAhSSnap; I-

GoatGaten; how do you even?

ClearlyCeleb; Gaten, dont worry about it

GoatGaten; mkay

GoatGaten; where are you?

SinkSadie; uh wat

ClearlyCeleb; around the corner

EwItsMeFinn; Ohh you guys getting ice cream together

GoatGaten; yeah

ClearlyCeleb; yeh

MilliesBitch changed MilliesBitch to PrincessSoph

PrincessSoph; awhh ship

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